Baby Fever 🤱🏻

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Context:  2020, that's when yours and Austins relationship began. You were 26 and he was 29, you met on the red carpet of a movie premier for a film you had recently stared in, and ever since then you two had been inseparable. Austin took you on about 7 dates before he asked you to be his girlfriend, and you were both over the moon when things were made official. Fast forward to 2023, Austin is 32 and you're 29, and your relationship is still absolutely amazing. You moved in together at the start of 2022 and you met each others families not long before then, and you've both just been incredibly happy in your relationship. 2 months ago, your relationship changed for the better, as on your date night, Austin got on one knee and proposed to you. You could not stop the tears as he made his heartwarming speech and tried your hardest not to scream the word yes when he finally asked 'will you marry me?'. It was absolutely beautiful, a moment you will never forget. You are now engaged to the love of your life, and neither of you could be any happier. 

Present Day: It's a beautiful Saturday, the sun is shining, the air is warm, kids are running up and down the street laughing and playing, and you're sat in bed in your pyjamas reading your favourite book, one that Austin got you for your birthday. Austin has gone out to a friends house and said that he'll be back shortly. About 30 minutes have gone by and suddenly you hear the door open and Austin shout..

Austin: "Baby, I'm home!!"

You put your bookmark on the page you're reading, place your book on your nightstand and make your way downstairs to see Austin. When you get downstairs, you're shocked to see that Austin is holding a baby.

Y/N: "Hey my love, where'd the baby come from?"

Austin: "My friend is really busy with work today and his wife is visiting her parents out of state so he asked me if I could look after the baby for today"

Y/N: "Ah okay, what's the babies name?" You ask walking over and smiling at the baby, who is making grabby hands at you.

Austin: "Estelle" Austin replies smiling as he hands the baby over to you, who laughs and grabs hold of your face the second she's out of Austins arms.

Y/N: "Well isn't that a beautiful name huh?" You say to Estelle in your baby voice, causing her to laugh more

Austin: "I'm going to go make a drink, do you want anything my love?"

Y/N: "An iced coffee will be fine for me thank you baby"

Austin: "Okay, won't be long". 

Austin places a kiss on your temple before going into the kitchen to make drinks for the two of you, as you sit on the couch and place little Estelle on your lap facing you. You look at her smiling and start bouncing your legs, causing her to erupt into a fit of laughter, waving her arms up and down encouraging you to keep going. You do so for a while before you decide to play peek-a-boo with her. You cover her face with your hands saying "Where's she gone?" before moving your hands and exclaiming happily "Here she is!" making Estelle laugh harder than before. You sit there for ages playing with her and laughing with her, before she eventually falls asleep in your arms, you rocking slightly to keep her asleep. That's when you turn around and see Austin stood in the doorway smiling at you.

Y/N: "How long have you been stood there for?"

Austin: "Ages, I've just been watching you with her" You smile and blush at his remark as he walks over and sits next to you, placing the drinks on the coffee table.

Austin: "Has this made your baby fever worse?" He says chuckling 

Y/N: "Yes it has" You reply, looking down at the sleeping baby in your arms.

Austin: "You'd be a great mum, we definitely need to have kids one day" He says, snaking his arm around you, kissing your temple and leaning his head on you while looking down at Estelle.

Y/N: "How many kids would we have if we had any?"

Austin: "As many as you're comfortable with having, you're the one who has to be pregnant and give birth, and I don't want you to do it any more times than you want to. So the number of kids we have is entirely up to you my darling" He says looking into your eyes. You smile up at him and kiss his lips before leaning on his chest, his arms wrapping around you. You both sit there for a while before you both drift off to sleep. 

Eventually you're awoken by the sound of the doorbell, so you get up and open it to see Austins friend. You greet them and talk for a while, Austin eventually coming over and placing his hands on your waist as you guys all talk, before you give his friend Estelle. He thanks you for taking care of her and you say that she was an absolute delight to have. You all say your goodbyes as you and Austin stand in the doorway watching them leave, the both of you having intense baby fever and wanting to have kids of your own.

Authors Note: Heyyyyy, I'm sorry it's been a while since I updated the story, I've been really busy lately and I just haven't had the time or the motivation to write anything. But hopefully I can get back into it and start writing again more frequently. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this part <3

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