Cheater 😦

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You and Austin have been a very well known and very liked couple for the past 4 years. Every event that Austin had to attend he would take you, every movie he made you were watching him and supporting him from behind the scenes and in the comfort of your own home you two loved nothing more than being cuddled up on the sofa or in bed, watching Netflix together, eating your favourite snacks and messing about and laughing together. However, without your knowledge, this wasn't all as it seemed, at least recently.

On a Friday evening, you are at your mum's house, helping her out with some cleaning and the garden, you've spent all day with her, helping her and chatting with her. You two went out for lunch and had a little bit of retail therapy while you were out. You haven't really seen your mum recently as you and Austin have been really busy, you've been working from home and also going to support Austin with his work, and he's been doing his job as an actor and sometimes going out to his movie directors at night to talk over the movie and try and see how he can perform as amazing as possible in his movies, at least that's what he told you. You really enjoyed the day you spent with your mum and you agreed that you should spend the day together again sometime. It was about 7:30 pm by now and you both thought it was time for you to get home. 

You hugged and kissed your mum, said your goodbyes and you left the house, shutting the door behind you. You stood at the end of the path leading to your mum's house and text Austin, saying you were outside of her house and were waiting for him to come and pick you up as he agreed he would do before you left your home this morning. After about 25 minutes of not getting a response, you text him again:

Another 15 minutes after sending that second message and still not getting a response, you think that he's just fallen asleep after a long busy day so you decide to walk home

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Another 15 minutes after sending that second message and still not getting a response, you think that he's just fallen asleep after a long busy day so you decide to walk home. It takes you about 10/11 minutes to get home, which wasn't long but you would've rather had Austin come and pick you up. When you arrive, you place your hand on the door handle ready to put your key in the lock, but to your surprise it was unlocked, which was strange because when you left the house it was locked, and Austin had been at home rehearsing lines for a film and cleaning the house while you helped your mum. You open the door and walk into the house, shutting the door behind you before turning and facing the living room. You called out to Austin, however as the door was left unlocked you assumed he would never go upstairs with the front door unlocked, so you didn't shout as you believed he was still downstairs. When he didn't respond, you looked all around downstairs looking for him, however he was nowhere to be found. With this, you make your way upstairs to go and find him, and that's when you here noise coming from the bedroom. You couldn't tell what the noise was, so you make your way over to the door and you open it, only to be horrified by what you see in front of you.

Austin is lay in bed, completely naked, being straddled by a woman, who was also naked, and they were very obviously having sex, the both of them were moaning, she was moving very rapidly, he had his hands gripped firmly on her waist and his head was tilted back in pleasure. You stood there watching for a second, frozen and unable to move as you watch your boyfriend having sex with another woman in your shared bed in the house that you both live in together. They hadn't noticed you yet, and so they kept doing what they were doing, and the woman he was with actually increased her pace, causing them both to moan even more, before they both eventually came. They were both panting and out of breathe and sweating, so clearly they'd been doing this for a while, which only made the betrayal even worse to you. Your tears could no longer be contained, as they silently fell down your cheeks that were now red. After about a minute, Austin lifted his head up and opened his eyes to talk to the woman he had just had sex with and praise her for the pleasure she gave him, however he was unable to do that as as soon as his eyes opened, they saw you stood in the doorway, eyes bloodshot red, tears falling down your cheek and a face covered in horror, hurt and betrayal as you looked at the man you loved more than anything having just cheated on you. He looked into your eyes, which he instantly regretted, as that made it all the more real just how much he had hurt you and just how bad he had fucked up. 

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