Mistress...Part 2 🫣

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The final night that you and Austin saw each other was probably the most devastating night of your life. This was a man that you had, unfortunately, fallen in love with while hooking up with him, though the blame is not entirely on you, he had his share of responsibility in this as well: for starters he had a girlfriend and was in a serious relationship while hooking up with you, he always sent you flowers and love notes and small little gifts when you weren't together so you didn't feel as if he had forgotten about you, he wanted to see you more and he wanted to be seen in public with you, and he literally told you that he loved you!! He was giving you false hope that you two could be together and then dropped the bombshell that he wasn't going to break up with his girlfriend. This man had a cruelty to him that you never knew humans could possess. After that night, you mourned and mourned the loss of the relationship you so desperately wanted and could have had with him, it took its toll on your mental health and your social life suffered as a result. Your friends and family could not get to you no matter how hard they tried, any calls and texts were either met with a dry and meaningless response or they were ignored all together. This lasted 3 months before they all had enough of it, they decided to come and see you in person as they knew it was the only way to get to you. Your friends and family all cared about you and loved you very much, and when they found out what had happened they all worried for you, so they weren't going to give up on helping you just because you weren't responding to their texts or returning their calls. 

Your family had asked your friend group if they could visit you and check to see how you are, and see if they could get you out of the house, and of course your friends obliged. They all chose a day where they would all be available, went to the shops and bought your favourite ice cream, a bottle of your favourite red wine, a bottle of vodka just in case the wine isn't strong enough and then made their way to your house. Once they arrived, they just walked on in, as they all had a key to your place. You were laying in bed at the time and didn't even move when you heard them walking up the stairs. When they walked in, you were wrapped up in bed, tear stained face with mascara all down your cheeks, your hair was greasy from not washing it, you were in a tracksuit that you evidently hadn't changed out of since the incident, and there were empty bottles and dirty plates all over your room. The state of the room instantly plastered sympathetic looks on your friends faces, and their hearts broke for you. For the first 10 minutes they all just hugged you and comforted you, and then told you to get in the shower and change into clean clothes while they cleaned your room. They were going to do everything to make sure you got out of this depression, and they were not going to give up until you were fully healed. After you showered and the room was cleaned you all watched Netflix and had a fun girls night, however you didn't drink as the smell of the alcohol made you throw up, which was unlike you.

It wasn't until 3 weeks after the girls night that you found out why the alcohol made you sick. You had been feeling unwell for a while so you decided to go to the doctor in case it was something serious, but you weren't expecting what the doctor told you. You were pregnant.....that was the last thing you wanted to hear. Hearing the news, and knowing it was Austin's baby, you were numb for days. You thought and thought about what you would do, your friends being there for support along with your family, until you finally came to a decision. You told them that you were aborting the baby, as you didn't any ties to Austin after what happened. Everyone supported your choice and was there for you through it all, and with all their love and support you healed and moved on from it quickly and never thought about it again, and that brings us up to the current day.


You are out in town having a little self-care day. You didn't want to spend the day inside since the weather is lovely so you decided to head into town and have a day to yourself. You started it off with going to Starbucks for a coffee and then started walking around town and going into different stores. You did that for about an hour before talking a walk down to the beach near your town, sitting on a bench just away from the sand. You sat there, having bought another coffee on your walk down, just enjoying the sun and the warm, looking at the sea, listening to all the families laughing and having fun. Your peace didn't last long though as you were interrupted by the sound of a mans voice. You set your coffee down on the bench next to you and turn around to see who's wanting to talk to you, your stomach dropping when you see who it is.

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