Tell me now!! 👀

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You and Austin have never liked each other. He's been your older brother's best friend for god knows how long but for some unknown reason he has always despised you. Anytime you are in a room together, he scowls at you, he insults you, he's horrid to you without reason, and you have never known why. You'd never spoken to him before this, and you'd never interacted with him either, the most you two had done is look at each other while he was walking up to your brothers room, so why he hated you so much was a mystery to you. It made it worse that every time you asked your bother about it, he was as clueless as you, so neither of you had any idea why he was behaving like this. Eventually you had enough of it and you started retaliating his actions and being horrid back to him, and now both of you are enemies. 


It's the summer, and the house you share with your bother has been incredibly busy since the holidays began. His friends have been coming over to do things with him and you've had friends over. The house has been absolute chaos, but the both of you have enjoyed every second of it. As usual, Austin has been coming over to spend time with your brother, which you hated, even seeing him pissed you off beyond belief. He also wasn't fond of it as it meant he had to be in a house with you and look at you, but he put up with it for your brother and the time with him. 

Another person who's been coming over a lot recently is your boyfriend, Adam, that you started dating 3 months before the summer began. You met him at a bar on a night out with your friends, he asked for your number and was flirting with you all night. Your friends had a bad feeling about him from the get go but you ignored them and gave him your number anyway, and within a week of knowing each other you were in a serious relationship. This in itself was a big red flag to everyone around you, but another red flag was that you weren't allowed to be near any men, the only exception being your brother, and if you ever went near a man, then you wouldn't hear the end of it. Adam would spend hours screaming at you, punching walls and throwing things around after finding out, all of which scared you but there was nothing you could do to calm him down other than promise you would stay away from men. 

Originally, you thought that during summer this would be an impossible task, however your friends went out of their way to help you out with this as they knew what Adam was like and they didn't want to put you in any danger. So during the summer, when your friends came over, your brother didn't have anyone over, and when he did you were either locked in your room or your friends would take you for a picnic in a remote location that nobody knows about. All of it went really well, and you were proud of how well it was working, however little did you know one small interaction would change this for the worst.

You were in the living room, chilling on the couch reading a book that a friend had given you to finish by the end of summer. You were minding your business and just enjoying the book when you heard the door open and close again. You look up in the direction of the noise and see Austin walking in, obviously here to see your brother. He gave you one glance, no facial expression at all what so ever and then walked upstairs to your brothers room. Once he walked off you went back to reading your book, before putting it away and deciding to go for a walk.

You put your shoes on and left the house, walking down the block and to the next one, just following where your legs take you. Not long into the walk, someone aggressively tugged on your arm, turning you around. You looked up to find your boyfriend Adam, and you have never seen him so pissed off in your life. He had an incredibly tight grip on your arm and was staring into your eyes as if he was contemplating killing you.

Adam: "What the fuck Y/N!" 

He said, teeth gritted the whole time, causing your face to drop.

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