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"So, let me see if I got this straight." Romar shook his head as he opened the entrance to his humble abode. It was dark inside except for the single window in which moonlight poured in and illuminated the workshop desk against the right-side wall. The old man flipped on a single light source that only filled up the left side of the large, creating this natural light contrast in the center. "You are rogue clones, all of you...who are running from the Empire's clones...who used to be the Republic's clones?"

"Correct," Tech said, followed by a strained groan. "You finally got it right."

"Well, we did leave out some details here and there," Fern shrugged, helping Tech carefully settle in the closest chair next to the desk. "But that's the gist of it." She then knelt down to examine his leg in the artificial yellow light and frowned. She hoped her eyes were playing tricks on her, for she was now staring at a leg that had began to swell and bulge...She could only imagine how excruciating it must be.

"Why is your house in the middle of nowhere?" Omega abruptly asked.

"Didn't really have a choice once the Empire showed up." Romar explained in a kind tone. "But we make do."

"Who's we?" Echo inquired.

"The survivors who fled from the destruction."

"You used to live in the city?" Fern deduced.

"Mhmm, yes." Romar nodded. Fern caught a hint of woe in his tone.

Suddenly, Omega pulled on Fern's arm. The latter looked up at the young girl as she spoke. "Now that Tech's safe, we can head back to the container and get as much of the war chest as we can."

"I'm afraid that's not really an option anymore, Half-Pint." Fern shook her head.

"Fern's right." Echo walked up from behind. "It's too dangerous. Most likely there are troopers already at the crash site."

"But...we can't leave empty-handed..." Omega frowned. "We have to complete the mission." Fern's head cocked to the side, curious. Why is she dwelling so much on the war chest? It's not like this is the first time we've had to abandon a mission for the sake of our lives. Fern's mind was still pondering over Omega's strange behavior that she completely missed Romar's warning about the treasure.

"He took from us, his own people. His quest for power is why our city is now buried in rubble."

"Well...then...we help you get it back!" Omega exclaimed. "There's enough for everyone."

"I want none of it." Romar growled. "Let the Empire take it. The sooner they're gone, the better. And same goes for you. Now if you'll excuse me," He backed away from the clones and switched a control on the far wall, activating a hatch to open in the floor, revealing a basement. "some of us have work to do." He then disappeared down the ladder.

Omega turned away from Fern and up at Echo. "It's not too late. We can still scout out the site and see if it's clear."

"Negative." Echo immediately stopped her.

"Omega," Fern said before he could continue. "Why don't you go down there with Romar?"

"Yeah," Echo agreed. "And keep an eye on him."

"Or just, you know," Fern shrugged. "behave and keep out of trouble."

The young clone sighed in defeat. "Roger..." Once she had disappeared into the basement, Fern focused back on Tech's condition. "I'm afraid there is a lot of swelling. Echo, you wouldn't by chance have any stabilizers in your pack?"

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