FLASHBACK - 3 1/2 Years Ago...
"CT-9900, at your service, Generals." Fern folded her hands behind her back as she stood at attention, her chin held high.
"Fern, is it?" General Obi-Wan Kenobi smiled and glanced over at his fellow jedi master, Mace Windu. "We understand you've had a 100% success rate on your reconnaisance missions ever since you transitioned to a solo profession. Very impressive."
"Thank you, General." The female clone said, resisting the urge to cheek a grin. "Do you have another stealth assignment for me?"
"Not this time." Windu shook his head and tapped a few buttons until a holographic planet popped up on the computer table. "This is Ord Mantell. We have received word that an intel broker named Ciddarin Scaleback has crucial information in exchange for 500,000 credits. Information we can use against the Separatists. We will give you the credits to make the exchange in person."
"I am on it, General."
"Be mindful, Fern." Kenobi warned. "Brokers like Ciddarin have not chosen a side in this war. It is plausible to assume she has helped the Separatists in past investments. Ord Mantell could be crawling with many suspicious figures."
"With all due respect, Sir, it's nothing I can't handle."
"Very well." Kenobi chuckled. "May the Force be with you."
Cid was lazily cleaning down her bar counter when the female clone entered her parlor. The latter did not waste any time approaching the Trandoshan, slamming down the case of credits, and leaning against the opposite side of counter. "Are you Ciddarin Scaleback?"
"Who's asking?" Her raspy voice barked.
"I am the representative for the Republic. I am here to retrieve the intel in exchange for 500,000 credits. As agreed."
"Oh, right," Cid averted her eyes with a grimaced look. "I guess it slipped my mind. The deal is off."
"Excuse me?" Fern blinked.
"A representative from the Separatists offered me more credits for the intel. He should be here any moment to pay and collect."
"You made a deal with the Republic for that information. What gives you the right to change — annul it?" Fern narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms.
"Oh, stop whining, will you?" Cid rolled her eyes. "You are obviously new at this business. It's not a big deal. You just lucked out. Now, go on and run back to the Jedi and tell them they can get the next bit in the near future. I'm busy."
"Listen up, Cid. I'm not a messenger girl." Fern's nose scrunched as her lips twisted. "I'm a delivery girl, and I am determined to finish my mission. So," She seated herself on the closest stool and folded her hands on the counter surface. "what new deal are you and I going to have to conjure up in order for me to get that intel for the Republic?"
Cid raised a curious brow. "What's your name?"
"Fern. Enhanced clone-soldier of the Grand Army of the Republic."
"Clone? They have female clones now?"
"I, am the only one, actually." Fern said, a little too proudly.
"Wow, must be exciting being surrounded by all those male soldiers. They must be all over you, being a pretty thing as yourself."
"That — I — no."

Humor*SEQUEL* to my first TBB fanfiction titled "Stealth and Track" The adventures of Fern, Omega, and the boys of the Bad Batch continue after the destruction of Kamino a few months prior. While the idea is to lay low now that they are all presumed dea...