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"So," Phee nudged me playfully. "how's married life treating you?"

"It's literally been two days since the wedding." I said, rolling my eyes. "Other than the fact Hunter and I are now married, nothing else has changed."

"You two have started sharing a bed." Phee noted, her brow raised knowingly. "That's different."

My appalled eyes broadened, and my cheeks flushed. My lips then curled from her audacious observation. "You were just building up to that punchline, weren't you?"

"Guilty as charged." Phee shrugged in honesty. "Now, I won't poke at sensitive topics, but perhaps you can give me a hint whether you two have pondered over the next step in your relationship?"

"What next step did you have in mind?" I teased, apprehending her own suggestion on the matter. When her eyes dipped down to my stomach, I nearly choked on my sharp inhale. She laughed before taking a large sip from her glass while I swallowed the nervous lumps forming in my throat. Well, I might as well tell her. "If you must know, I do not have the capabilty of bearing children."

It was Phee's turn to gag on her beverage. Her eyes melted when she apologetically looked at me. "Oh, Fern, I didn't know."

"No harm done." I insisted with a small smile. "I am a genetically-modified female clone. I have never been a normal woman from the beginning. Besides, I never really thought about it. As a soldier, being a normal woman was one less thing I had to think about, and I could always focus on my missions without the curiousity of normancy gnawing at my brain—I never thought I'd come as far as establishing any romantic relationship with someone much less get married, so why would it bother me I can never bring young ones into this galaxy?"

"And...now?" Phee asked with inquisitiveness.

I shrugged indifferently with one shoulder. "I am satisfied. Everything that was changed with me biologically occurred before I was born. There is nothing I can do about it. Having a romantic relationship with Hunter won't change it either." My head inclined and my eyes observed the clear, sea-blue sky. My skin soaked in the sun's warm rays. At that moment, the Marauder zoomed overhead, its wingspan teetered like a see-saw. An amused grin spread across my lips as I sighed, "Besides, I already have one child to raise. Who needs anymore than that?"

"I see you opted out of flying lessons today." Phee chortled inside her glass.

"Echo is coming today." I scrunched my nose, the excitement bubbled in my chest. "Half-Pint has a tendency to be a little carefree. I didn't want to risk a concussion before he arrives. Plus," I patted the satchel that was plopped in my lap with a soft exhale. "I will finally get to give him his gift."

"You sound very excited." Phee smiled.

"I am." I nodded, and then found myself replaying this morning when Tech had informed everyone. Hunter and I had just joined the others for breakfast, and I was still feeling groggy. (I never have been a morning person, even when I wake up in a real bed.)

"I have been informed with news from—"

"No morning announcements until I've had some caffiene, Wired-Brain..." I waved my hand to stop him as I sluggishly plopped myself at the table with a hard thump.

"Well, Echo was adament I—"

"Echo!" Omega and I exclaimed in unison, the former nearly squealing while my lethargic eyes nearly burst out of my skull. "You have heard from him?"

"Yes, that was what I was trying to convey before you interrupted me. He is coming here to—"

"SHUT UP, he is not!" I shouted, slamming my palm against the table; the silverware and dishes rattled. My jaw dropped as I coughed up laughter in disbelief. "Why didn't you lead with that?!"

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