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How can one who surely has never experienced the role of a bride...experience dejá vù...?

Fern pursued her first steps forward. Her entire body swelled lusciously until it felt like she was floating. Her mind was locked on determining how she was familiar with this sensation...

Then, there was Hunter. He appeared just as he did yesterday—donning his casual wear with the exemption of his padded shoulder guards and gauntlet sheath on his left forearm—yet he never looked more handsome than in that moment. At first sight, he charmingly chuckled at his bride wearing her teal-detail bomber jacket over a simple, yet gratifying gown...It's simple cut and crocheted design matched the aesthetic of the island. He fell more in love when he caught sight of her combat boots. He felt his heightened senses zone in on the woman the closer she approached him; he gradually became blind to all his surroundings—he saw only Fern. Underneath the natural glow of comestics and decorated hair, she was just the woman he ardently loved. He stood before her to bind himself to her for the rest of their lives...

His hand subconsciously reached up and finger-combed his hair and adjusted the back of his bandana. To his left, he noticed Wrecker smirking in satisfaction; he even subtly imparted a thumbs-up in approval.

The aisle spanned a mere twenty feet and it should have only taken the bride and her escort approximately five seconds to reach the platform, but Time seemed to walf at an enchanting pace that granted every individual to absorb every detail of the bride promenading to her groom. Each breath exhaled in awe hovered in the air. As Fern's skirt and hair sailed with the sea breeze, she remembered...a dream.

Flashes of bright light and fuzzy images of a blue sky with fluffy, white clouds, a crystal-clear, rich-blue ocean, and my arm linked with another. This time...I know with whom: Tech. I recall the warm spirits around me and that I was happy, wherever I was...

My dream from when we were Ipsidon...

Tech was onto something...What it truly possible I've achieved what I've truly most desired? A quiet life... To just breathe for more than a day without any worries or paranoia. Somewhere far away from the Empire. Away from danger. Away from the fighting... Where I can raise Omega. Where Hunter and I can flourish as a couple. And no threat to whisk us away and endanger those I care about..

'If it was all to be a dream...then at least, it is a good one.' She reminesced, her eyes softened fervently as they simulanteously locked with Hunter's matching gaze. Dreams really do come true...

The sergeant poised himself with his ungloved hands folded behind his back. He consumed Fern's radiant smile, her impeccable emsemble of a bride and soldier, her chin held high, her amusing choice of footwear lightly clicking against the stone-slabbed aisle, and finally the future reflecting in her clever eyes.

His new purpose...in human form.

Everyone's eyes followed Fern and Tech's progression down the aisle. Wrecker sloppily wiped away sniffling tears of joys. Omega's lips parted with substantial awe, her round eyes shimmering with wonder. Lyana squeezed her friend's hand supportively with a knowing simper. Phee leaned her bicep into her seat with her arms crossed with satisfaction. Tech's linked arm hugged Fern's tightly, a wave of nervousness washed over him when he briefly locked eyes with the dark-skinned woman. He broke his gaze and concentrated on his essential role—the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint Fern.

At last, after a blissful eternity, Hunter offered his left hand to Fern. The latter and her escort stopped. Tech then disconnected their linked arms and scooped up her hand in his. He placed a gentle kiss upon her fingers and breathed, "Go forth, Fern. My role is fulfilled." As he glided her fingers across Hunter's palm, she turned to her best friend and affectionately mouthed Thank you. The sergeant nodded with gratitude to his intelligent brother and then guided his bride to the wooden archway that was adorned with colorful native flora. Mayor of Pabu Shep beamed proudly once the betrothed clones joined him. He spread his arms welcomingly.

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