There was a lot to learn about the ecosystem of Kashyyyk. Within the lush jungle foliage and scenery, one could hear the whistling, twittering, scuttling, chittering, and an abundant of other wildlife sounds belonging to the animal kingdom. I knew eventually we would run into something when we began carefully travelling underneath a vast transparent blanket of webs. It reminded me of our unlucky adventure within the underground tunnels of Ord Mantell and the massive hive when we and Cid stole spice crates from Roland Durand; the recollection of those disgusting, creepy, flying bugs caused my whole body to spasm.
"Let's keep moving, please." I composed myself. "I don't want to find out what lives in this nest."
Unfortunately, the webs stretched into several thin barriers in our path. "Here, I'll take care of it." Wrecker stepped forward, unsheathing his vibro-knife, and sliced through like it was paper. "Wait, Wrecker, I don't think we should disturb the web—Dank ferrik, what is that!?" I instinctively pushed Omega and Gungi behind me and armed myself with my own knife when an arachnid-like beast dropped from above and shrieked at us for trespassing. The boys pulled out their blasters in defense. There were more of them, though, as the creatures gathered from above and swarmed us.
Suddenly, Gungi manuevered passed me and grasped Wrecker's arm down, lowering his blaster. "Ir. Ir. Grr."
"Hold your fire." Hunter said, most likely translating for the Wookie. We did as the sergeant ordered. The padawan grunted a few more times — this time, Tech interpreted, "He says, 'They will not attack unless we pose a threat.'" Then, I watched Gungi perform what I have witnessed many Jedi do during the war: reaching out his hand and connecting with the sentient beings through the Force...In response, the spiders backed away and skittered off back into their safe nests.
"That never got old." I breathed, smiling to myself. "Still doesn't, I guess."
We continued our journey until we arrived at a cliff overlooking a valley ringed with mountains. My hand covered my mouth the moment I noticed the thick, dirty smoke ascending from the breath-taking landscape. Next to me, Tech tapped away on his datapad, his voice lowered pensively, "According to my telemetry, the village is straight ahead."
I already knew what we would discover if we advanced, but it was not like we had any other choice. Tech exchanged glances with me, and I could tell we were thinking the same, as we usually did — in this case, that wasn't comforting for either of us. Nevertheless, we followed behind the pack all the way to our destination. I wished I had spoken to Gungi, just so I could prepare him if only a little, before we had emerged from the singed brush...The ground was completely scorched; the soil was caked with a blackened crust. The gigantic bases of the trees were charred — ringlets of tiny flames crawled up towards the canopy. Through the hovering smoke, there were collasped wooden huts still burning with patches of fire. It wasn't just the fumes that rimmed my eyes with tears...There wasn't a living soul in sight.
I watched Hunter kneel and examine the scene. "Tanks came through here." One didn't need to be a excellent sleuth to spot the machines' tracks marking the burnt soil. The sergeant sighed in defeat. "The Empire incinerated the entire village."
"Do you think they knew someone like us were coming?" I asked, turning to Tech, who for once didn't have an explanation.
"Does the Empire ever have a reason to obliterate whatever and whenever it feels like?" Echo growled, his shoulders hunched forward in frustration. I bit my bottom lip, knowing he was right, and hugged my arms. In my peripheral vision, I noticed Omega consulting the whimpering padawan, who had crumbled to his knees before the destruction and hung his head in what probably felt like utter hopelessness...
Humor*SEQUEL* to my first TBB fanfiction titled "Stealth and Track" The adventures of Fern, Omega, and the boys of the Bad Batch continue after the destruction of Kamino a few months prior. While the idea is to lay low now that they are all presumed dea...