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Every fiber in me screamed in agony, yet all I could muster through my sealed lips was a pitiful shrill...

Anger...remorse...and vengeance boiled into a concotion that deteriorated and crippled my body and mind into a brief, yet undeniable catatonic state...

...How did it come to this?

Only a mere day ago, everything was perfect.

There were voices in my head, all violently swirling and hollering at me like a freight tram as they dragged my conscious deeper...and deeper into Hell.

I hugged myself, groveling and rocking with my sweaty forehead smushed into the metal flooring. I muttered the different voices inaudibly in between my soft snivelling. In the upright fetal position, I was compressing my damaged ribs, and they groaned in discomfort. In addition to my trauma, my soul could not accommodate one or the other simultaneously, and an internal war engaged and was craving...something...

Suddenly, a large hand touched my shoulder and my head viscerally popped up. My mumbling ceased. My blurred vision cleared and locked on an object displayed under my nose. I blinked away the lingering tears. Then, my entire body shuddered a heart-clenching gasp.

In Wrecker's palm, were Tech's spectacles...

The yellow-tinted lenses were shattered.

My trembling fingers carefully lifted them. They slowly tightened their grip, eventually clutching the hardened frames and intacted strap appallingly. I then cradled them against my chest as my upper body rose and settled on my legs. My shoulders hunched forward. My chin dug into my neck. Uncharacteristically, I didn't question how Wrecker had gained possession of them...

"How did it come to this?" I sighed instead through my soft hiccups. "H-how...did this happen?"

"Cid sold us to the Empire." Hunter's grim voice reached my ears. "She betrayed us."

His words ripped my conscience in two—anger consumed both halves.

"I don't believe that." I growled, raising my head and mindfully returning Tech's spectacles in Wrecker's hand before rising to my feet. My left hand subconsciously pressed into my sore ribs.

"Fern, it happened."

"And I'm telling you, I don't believe it." I repeated, locking eyes with the sergeant, who slumped in the seat in front of the console. "Cid cares more about herself and her business than anything else in this galaxy."

Echo joined us from the cockpit with his arms knotted. "We're not following you." he frowned.

I grew impatient in my response. "Cid warned us the Empire has been spreading to systems across the galaxy. She was concerned that once they reached Ord Mantell, she'd be financially guttered. If she did contact the Empire, she has not only willingly sealed her downfall with cash to last her a week, she doomed an entire galatic system ripe with her area of business."

"Fern," Hunter sighed wearily, his fingers massaged his temple and the bridge of his nose. "I know you and Cid have a history, and I know you are hurt—"

"But what, Hunter?" I snapped, throwing my hands around in hysteria. "That when we swooped in without Tech, Omega and I unconscious, and every single one of us injured and in distress...th-that Cid purposefully rang up the Empire and sold us out?! Are you mad?!"

She must've been threatened...Threatened to betray us or risk her life and business, and she, of course, chose herself. I know Cid. She would never have done this to me willingly—it's not like she could have told Hunter that. She would have been silenced for good if she did.

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