It all went downhill from there...
"So let me get this straight," I pinched the bridge of my nose. "We are in an ancient...something that is thousands of years old, called 'Skara Nal'. And we are looking for a something, called the 'Heart of the Mountain.' What exactly is that? Does he whoever claim and wield it receive a grand coronation as — oh, I don't know — 'King Under the Mountain' or some dumb title like that?"
No one even amused at my quip. Killjoys...
"It's a rare crystalline stone." Phee explained from the front of the pack. "Some say it's the key to an ancient power, which makes it worth more than you could possibly fathom."
"And we're just going to, what, sell this power stone to whomever is willing to pay an unfathomable price?" I questioned, then grumbled under my breath, "If any, it belongs in a museum."
At this point, we had been traversing deeper into the mountain for awhile. Omega discovered the compass had a secondary purpose — by shining her torch through the circular glass panel, a bright purple illuminated from the device and had the ability to detect secret clues hidden to the naked eye. I shined my own torch across the ceiling and walls of the cavern, and scoffed in disbelief, for they appeared to be chiseled to a smooth finish. "For thousands of years old, this place looks quite unscathed. Not many signs of deterioration. Isn't that just a tad suspicious? Anyone? What does your 'analysis' say about it, Tick?"
"After running one on the minerals in the stone slabs," Tech tapped away on his datapad. "it is definite they predate the Republic. Phee, may be onto something."
"That doesn't explain the mysterious preservation of this place." I stated, my vision curiously lingering on the bizarre carvings. Suddenly, Hunter, who had been pacing in front of me, halted in his tracks, and I bumped into his shoulder. "A warning would've been nice." I rubbed my nose. "Why did you—" I realized he hadn't acknowledge me; instead he attentively panned his torch light around us. I noticed his fingers hovering over his blaster...
"Hunter?" Omega slurred his name warily.
"I've heard that sound before..." I whispered, a chill shooting down my spine. All of us emitted our light sources in every direction to find out where the gurgling growl originated from. There was a bleak moment of silence before—
"WOAH!!!" Wrecker shouted as a massive four-legged creature pounced on him from above. As he fought and kicked it back from tearing off his head, the rest of us opened fire with our blasters. Its long razored tail whipped around and would've sliced me in half if Echo had not pulled me down by my belt. Even though we were hitting our marks, the beast was ferociously powerful.
"Stand back!" I warned everyone, and aimed my gauntlet at the creature's backside. "Eat this!" I ignited the mechanized flamethrower. I was not anticipating its contents to blaze with more verocity than my previous weapons had produced. The fire burned so bright in the close proximity everyone shielded their eyes. The beast howled in retreat, leaping and attaching itself to a vertical tunnel in the ceiling, snatching Wrecker with it. In its pinchers, the clone wrestled to break free. "Wrecker!" I shouted, switched back to my blaster, and focused on one of the monster's eyes; I hit my mark. With an ear-piercing shriek, it released him and scurried back into the hole. All our firepower, however, destablized the overhead dome, causing it to crumble and collapse.
"Omega!" I yanked the girl back as boulders rained down and piled up. The dust cloud that exploded from the rubble eventually fazed out, revealing yet another obstruction blocking our only egress. Hunter and Phee were with us. The other half of our squad was on the other side. "Echo, Tech, Wrecker, you boys still alive?" I called in my gauntlet while fanning dust from my face.

Humor*SEQUEL* to my first TBB fanfiction titled "Stealth and Track" The adventures of Fern, Omega, and the boys of the Bad Batch continue after the destruction of Kamino a few months prior. While the idea is to lay low now that they are all presumed dea...