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Unfortunately, after an hour of scouring through Imperial and Republic files, we realized just how limited the intel on the Advanced Science Division was... There were no records or reports on where they were detaining the prisoners; the location of its main base where they operated was unknown...

Even this ex-Republic scientist Dr. Hemlock was a ghost... He'd been my task to research, and, despite my objections to organizing a rescue mission, I was very thorough. Echo bounced between me and Tech on our progress, and once I'd unlock nothing except for Hemlock's last known sighting with other scientists, that was where the 'trail' ended. Echo narrowed his eyes in deep thought. "I am going to make a call." He excused himself and headed towards the cockpit. My eyes followed him, and I grieved in the feeling I needed to apologize to him for not being able to gather more information.

The Empire truly has become more organized over the past few months...They are stronger than ever, and at this rate, we will lose the ability to hack into any security ever again. Any code Tech acquires will expire before he can make use of it. I can foresee even entering other planetary systems without authorization will be a chore...

Maybe these dead ends are a sign. We can all say we'd done our best, move on, and Echo can take what we have found and report back to Rex, continuing his search from there. Then, the rest of us can resume our lives here on Pabu... That is for the best, anyway.

Isn't it?

"Echo, were you able to learn more about the whereabouts of Dr. Hemlock?" Tech questioned, breaking my trance. I had not realized the soldier had returned from the cockpit.

"Even better." Echo nodded. "According to a contact of mine, Hemlock's set to attend a high-level Imperial summit in two rotations."

"Wait, really?" I questioned, stunned at the sporadic coincidence. I then straightened myself in my seat with my brows furrowed with suspicion. "Where?"

"Tarkin's compound on Eriadu." He approached the computer station and plugged in the intel. A mountainous planet with temperate forests appeared on the screen. "If we do a covert infiltration, we can plant a homing beacon on Hemlock's ship and track him to his base."

"And to Crosshair." Wrecker added, hopefully.

"'Covert,' huh? Oh, no, I figured we just go knocking on the front door and ask nicely..." I muttered the sarcasm under my breath. How convenient Echo's contact knows when and where Hemlock will be, and yet supposedly nothing else that's useful...That is when the rest of the message clicked in my mind and I shook my head in disbelief. "Wait, wait, wa—you said two rotations? That's too soon. You would have to depart now if you were to do this."

"It won't be simple whether we left now or later." Hunter frowned. "We'd be at a tactical disadvantage, and I'm still not sure it's worth the risk."

"Hold on..." Omega suddenly chimed in. She hopped down from the gunner's mount with her round, brown eyes enlarged at me. "Fern, you just said 'you' as in—" She gasped as the realization dawned on her. "You're not coming? Why?"

"Half-Pint, there is just too much at stake with the little intel we have." I explained, then hesitated before... "Which is why you are not going as well."

"What, no!" The young girl retorted, her face pinched in stubbornness. "I want to help save Crosshair! He's one of us and he needs us."

"He is not one of us!" My voice involuntarily amplified with a shudder. Emotion clogged my throat. Omega flinched. "Crosshair decided that for himself on Kamino. He chose a different path because he desired his purpose over his own family." I chopped the side of my right hand into my left palm as I emphasized the facts. "He told me himself..." Suddenly, I was cradling my head in my hands and sniffling back tears. "You guys, I—"

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