Never thought I'd see the day Hunter would reject me from coming on a mission.
"If you come," He smiled down on me and stroked my hair just above my headband. "who is going to keep an eye on the others?"
He had a point...I sometimes hated it when he was right.
For the first few hours, everything was quiet, a virture I had grown more and more fond of. Wrecker mistakenly challenged Omega to a tournament of Dejarik while Tech and I lounged at the bar. Both men had shed their armor and sported more casual attire that I had personally selected. Tech's thick vest that wrapped around the front fit him particularly well. I myself rested in my black fitted top, my prized jacket folded over the stool next to me. In my hand was an alcoholic beverage. Although I never had an acquired taste, something about the spiced liquid cleansing my inners soothed me. I guess that's why it was addicting. Wired-Brain sitting next to me tap tap tap-ped away on his datapad. I stared at him intensely while holding my half-empty glass to my lips.
"What exactly are you always doing on that thing?" I inquired curiously. At least I caught his attention, for he momentarily lowered it and faced me. Nowadays, I seemed to be the only one in the squad who had that superpower.
"I am submitting a considerable description of our daily endeavors."
"You're writing in your diary?!" I almost choked on my drink as I slapped the counter followed by a roar of laughter.
"N-no, Fern, that's not—" Tech stuttered in embarrassment, his whole face flushed crimson-red. I playfully pushed his bicep with one hand, then wiped away my happy tears. "I'm not making fun of you, Tick! Promise!"
"Your outburst in hilarity convinces me otherwise." he grumbled, his shoulders hunched forward.
"Hey, hey, okay, I'm sorry." I stopped myself and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I admire it, actually. I wish I had thought of recording all that's happened since Omega and I joined the squad. What a story we could tell, heh." I halfheartedly laughed it off and shrugged plainly, taking a long sip of my drink. However, Tech blinked at me, then at the datapad in his hands, and proceeded to pass the device to me. I stared at it and then at the intellectual clone in confusion. He gave a small smile, a nod, and said, "Well, why don't you?"
"Wait," I held up my hands in disbelief. "Are you serious?"
"Why would I deceive such a fascinating proposal? I believe you, Fern, would excel in composing, as you said, a 'story' of our endeavors since we first left Kamino."
I shot a look at the glass in my hand. "Jeez, perhaps I've been drinking too much...D-do you actually mean that?" I asked again in a different format. As a response, Tech briefly retracted his hand that held the datapad and tap tap tap-ped a few buttons. "There," he said, and in comical timing, exchanged the device for my half-finished drink. "I've opened a clean slate and file in which you can store your entries."
I was absolutely gobsmacked...
"It is not an issue." Tech assured. My eyes gazed up from the tablet, my mouth gaped, to see the clone, despite his straightforward attitude, shifting in his seat. His ears and cheekbones burned pink-red.
"Thank you, Tech." I finally said, smiling at his awkwardness. "This will be fun. So, really, thank you."
As Tech opened his mouth to reply, Wrecker roared in defeat. Omega giggled and boasted, "Ha, ha! Now you owe me two cartons of Mantell Mix."
"Let's go again." Wrecker insisted. "I'm not done yet. One more game. Double or nothing."
I shook my head and grinned at the two of them. I had to remind myself that the big oaf was technically the adult between the two of them — a simple overlook, however, would make anyone smile. Before I could even think of a quip, Cid popped up, whining, "Hey! Quit running up the power bill!" She marched right up to the game console and shut it off rudely. "It's time to get to work. I got another job for you."
"You can't even wait until Hunter and Echo are back from theirs?" I grumbled, rolling my eyes.
"I wouldn't consider transporting fifty cases of nerf nuggets a mission." Tech adjusted his goggles. "Nor is it a proper use of our skill set."
"Well said, Tick." I grinned.
"Yeah, well, your 'skill set' will come in real handy with this one." Cid claimed, then pointed at Wrecker. "Especially you, Muscles. You're gonna be my security crew."
"We will require a more detailed briefing than that." Tech said.
"You're wasting your breath..." I muttered under my own.
"Princess is right. Let's go. Shuttle's waiting out front."
"Are we getting paid for this 'job'?" I inquired. I received no answer, as the reptilian woman, Omega, and Wrecker were already headed out the parlor. Tech and I exchanged a look and sighed in unison. "I promised Hunter I'd keep an eye on them." I stretched my arms above my head before slipping on my bomber jacket. Checking my newly-acquired gauntlet attached to my wrist, I gave an assuring smile. "Gear up. Let's go."
"I'm beginning to understand the need for added security in a place like this." Tech assessed as the group followed Cid through the crowded alleyways of the city Safa Toma. It gave Fern flashbacks to all the sketchiest forums she'd track down rogue Separatists on her solo missions during the war. She placed a hand on Omega's shoulder, manuevering the young girl away from drunk and suspicious passerbys. "I believe that is putting it lightly." she grimaced. "Cid, couldn't you associate yourself with friendlier company on more, cordial, planets? Have you ever been to Naboo?"
"We'll be fine. I know my way around this place." Cid said. "If things get dicey, however, that's where you come in."
"Great," Fern said with sarcasm. "Half-Pint, stay in front of me."
They all walked through several plazas towards distant cheering and hooting mixed with the revving of engines. The sun blazed down on them as they finally arrived to the forum that was hosting all the commotion. Omega dashed ahead and pushed her way through the gathered spectators. Wrecker removed his helmet to see better and gawked excitedly as Cid joined him and the girl, beaming. Fern and Tech huddled behind them, the former having trouble seeing over everyone's shoulders and the ledge that lined the wide speedway in between two arched tunnels. Two massive viewing screens on either side of the track broadcasted a dozen miniscule ovaled pods zipping through parts of the track the audience could not see. Thunderous applauded erupted when the racers zoomed through and passed the checkpoint/finish line.
"Woah!" Omega screamed, a giant smile spread across her face.
"It's called Riot Racing." Cid explained. Fern caught the pew pew-ing of weapons and crashing of one of the pods.
"What's going on?" Fern craned her neck.
"A considerable amount of violence that would put pod-racing to shame. It seems like anything goes out there." Tech summed it up.
Suddenly, a boastful voice announced over the speaker system, "The smoke cleared, and TAY-0's taken the lead from 'Hyper' Rod!"
"That's my new racer, TAY-0!" Cid exclaimed. "He's a real ringer. He's gonna make me a lot of dough."
"And TAY-0, wins!"
"Come on!" Cid pulled the excited Omega and Wrecker along while Fern and Tech cautiously followed. The female clone leaned over and mumbled, "I have a bad feeling about this."
"My thoughts, exactly." Tech agreed. Fern scrunched her nose, snickered, and gazed around the roaring and grumbling fans with a small smile. Despite the obviously dangerous sport they and everyone else were all indulge in, the general merrymaking and friendly gambling she recognized was harmless enough. Everyone she passed her eyes over were open and receptive to the energizing event. That is, until a figure...a woman wearing a cloak over their head, caught Fern's eye...For a moment, it seemed as though she was watching the female clone. Fern did a double-take, and abruptly the woman vanished from her sight. Or did she just imagine the suspicious individual?
"Fern?" Tech lightly touched her arm. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah," she said, taking one last look into the crowd, then shrugging. "Thought I saw something. Let's catch up with the others."

Comédie*SEQUEL* to my first TBB fanfiction titled "Stealth and Track" The adventures of Fern, Omega, and the boys of the Bad Batch continue after the destruction of Kamino a few months prior. While the idea is to lay low now that they are all presumed dea...