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This concludes the second installment to the "Stealth and Track" Trilogy...

"Foresight and Scope: Book Two"

The final count...

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I want to thank everyone, from the bottom of my heart, for joining me on this journey. This novel holds some of my proudest moments in writing, and also some of my most stressful moments...

"Chapter 79" was THE most difficult chapter I've ever written. Studying and analyzing the scene frame by frame was agonizing and, combined with my passion to make each chapter as perfect as possible, my body was physically shaking and my mind was rampaging. I couldn't breathe... Once the draft was complete, I did, in fact, cry...

I am so proud of what I've accomplished here and the feedback I've received has been so heart-warming and encouraging. I could not have endure these last seven months without the support from my readers and your comments, my friends and beta readers, and just believing in myself that I could do this.

Introducing Athena Quinn was my way of incorporating Crosshair into this novel—it was the BEST and CRAZIEST decision I ever made for this series. I know there are many fans of Athena, and her relationship with Crosshair, but let me just say no one is more excited than ME!!!

I do not regret leaving you guys on the greatest cliffhanger ever. I've been planning that since the beginning and it made me smile writing that final paragraph...

Fern...Where to even begin on how proud on what her character has achieved... I have always seen myself in Fern—way back when I wrote the first chapter for "Stealth and Track"—and that continues to this day. All her overanalyzations, digressions, and relevations fabricate within me when I watch "The Bad Batch" and I speak through Fern. Her mannerisms, sassiness, emotions, and her jokes are also how I view myself in Fern's shoes.

She is incredibly special to me. And I want to thank you all for loving her just as much as I do.


Who wants some BONUS CHAPTERS???

I hope you are ready for I've got in store for you all:
- Alternate Endings
- Deleted Chapters
- Deleted Scenes
- Extended Scenes


A VIEWER'S DECRETION for the FIRST bonus chapter...

It is a spice—read at your own risk. It is titled "The Wedding Night".

For my last note, I want to hear everyone's favorite moments, chapters, etc. Please please please! I love reading your comments and thoughts!!! You have all been so wonderful and I hope you will continue your amazing support!!!


Until the third and FINAL season of The Bad Batch...

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