Trees formatting an attack plan was not the strangest thing Fern had heard, but it was certainly the most intriguing. Alas, she would miss out on the fun since she could not handle her weapons properly with her damaged hands. At daybreak, Echo spotted a convoy of Trandoshans and Imperial troopers and alerted the others. Before he and the rest of Clone Force 99 set out with a squad of Wookie warriors, the female clone wished each of them luck.
"What will you do?" Wrecker asked her. Fern winked. "I will stay here and make sure the village is safe. Just in case."
"Then, you'll need these back." He unclipped her blaster and vibro-knife from his belt and returned them to their rightful owner. "Thanks, you big oaf." Fern cheeked. "Go smash those tanks to your heart's content. Don't hold back, you hear?"
"Ha! Don't have to tell me twice!"
"Here," Tech approached her from behind with his datapad. "Though I've done a thorough scan for other convoys, the Empire or Trandoshans may send reinforcements. You can monitor for that unlikely possibility."
"So you do trust the trees' plan?" Fern snickered. "How uncondescending and unironic of you." Tech's brow raised and his light-brown eyes averted in confusion. She playfully pushed on his shoulder. "I'm messing with you, Wired-Brain. I'm just saying I'm proud of you."
"I am unsure of what I've done to earn your commendation."
Fern sighed, accepted the datapad, and patted his shoulder, leaning in towards his face teasingly. "It's okay, Tick. Sometimes, you don't have to 'earn' it. Be careful out there."
"Fern." Echo was next in line. She rotated around and grinned. "You, too, Echo." she said, touching his human arm. "Go show those Imps what happens when they think they can do whatever, whenever they want. I know you want this more than the rest of us." The cyborg clone, at first taken back by her words, responded with only a nod and a gentle squeeze over her hand so he did not hurt her.
When Omega walked up, Fern knelt to one knee and straightened her leather helmet on her head, adjusting her blonde bangs underneath. "You do as you are told and stay safe with Hunter and the others, okay?"
"I will." The young girl said. Her tone didn't sound too thrilled, but her determined smile gave Fern hope she will follow through. As Omega began to move on, she was stopped by the adult. "Hey, Half-Pint, be aware of your surroundings, especially in this jungle. And protect the others and Gungi. I know that's what you do best."
"Right." That seemed to cheer her up as she shouldered her plasma bow and bounded off to join the padawan.
Fern picked herself up just as the sergeant reached her side. Immediately, they laced their fingers together and absorbed each other's gaze. She bowed her head and he planted a kiss just above her grey headband. "Be safe." she breathed, lifting her chin to connect their foreheads. With one final kiss, they released their hands and she helped secure his helmet over his head.
Once the squad and the Wookie warriors departed, Fern joined Yanna inside the bungalow for some of her native tea. Although she couldn't understand her language, she conversed with the Wookie chief — she used hand motions and other body gestures to convey she was acknowledging. She was an excellent listener as the female clone described how she was recording Clone Force 99's adventures in her memoir. It was quite ironic she have reached a checkpoint where she detailed Hunter's paternal side...
Fern had heard Hunter's account of his last moments with the Jedi padawan Caleb Dume many times: she imagined Hunter's tone and inflection was not demanding when he called to the frightened fact, she envisioned it was more like pleading...Hunter, just like she when she was on Utapau, did not know what was going on, but he felt if Caleb was to go on by himself he wouldn't survive. He felt like at least Caleb would have had a chance with him... Fern thought about how terrified and conflicted Caleb must've been — so scared and alone. His master was killed right before him only a few minutes before he stood toe at the edge of a gorge. She liked to believe Caleb really did want to go with Hunter when the sergeant reached his hand out to him...that is, until those clone troopers showed. Hunter had recalled the moment he detected the troopers coming, he knew it was all over...His chance to reach the young boy was taken from him.
Fern remembered believing that moment was so pivotal to Hunter's character and that was often overlooked. It was that moment what would set up his instinctive protection of Omega. Hera and Gungi as well. They were all just children like Caleb who needed protection from those who were once allies and now wanted them dead...Hunter didn't want to make the same mistake again, so now he guarded and cared for Omega, as a way to make up for Caleb...wherever the padawan may be.
"Irrrr." Yanna purred with a kind smile and brushed her furry hand over Fern's cheek. The latter did not need to understand the former's language to perceive her kind consolation. The fresh air surrounding them was peacefully quiet with the exception of distant natural sounds that only relaxed Fern's soul even more. It enriched her promise to Omega from last night and the wish she confessed to Tech on Safa Toma...As much as she supported her squad, specifically Echo, in standing up against the Empire and other threats, the lingering question that abide her brain was, Will it all end one day, and if so, when? What would they do then?
Hunter and the others would not return until late that night, covered in dirt and ash, indicating that they have been digging and smothering fire all night. As Fern exchanged satisfying grins with the boys and a tight hug with both Omega and Gungi, it was indubitable that their skirmish was victorious. They all merrily celebrated with the Wookies until dawn broke.
Just outside on the veranda, soaking in the morning sun's rays that peeked through the forest's canopy, Fern leaned her whole body into Hunter's side with her arms hugging her chest, her head nuzzled his shoulder as she inhaled in silent tranquility. His fingers gently squuezed her rib cage, then carressed down to her snatched waist before settling on her hip. They both watched Omega kneel next to Gungi at the foot of the mother tree, bowing their heads together and meditating, thanking the forest for their help. As Fern exhaled, she breathed, "I could get used to this..." She chuckled lightly as she arched her neck to look up at him, smushing her cheek into his armor. "How about you?"
When Hunter lowered his chin to meet her gaze, the hopefulness for his concurrence shimmered in her dark eyes. His acquiesce, however, dimmed them and her smile wavered. "What is it, Hunter?"
"I, want to get used to this...but—"
"But this is not our reality." Fern sighed, nodding slowly and readjusting herself where the top of her head tucked under his chin. "I know." Hunter's arms began to move to wrap her in a comforting embrace, but then Yanna and Tech appeared at the open-air entrance, the latter eyed him curiously. The Wookie chief chirped and purred a kind gesture to the two kids.
"They're both just kids..." he replied to her. Fern lifted herself on her own feet as he faced Yanna. "But they don't get to be." He sighed in defeat, meeting Fern's eyes, whose softened under the truth while she forced a supportive smile. "Not in this galaxy..."
"Grr. Irrrr. Ir. Grr. Ir. Ir."
"When a young one leaves, the trees weep." Tech articulated while he translated. "But when they return, the trees sing. Just as this child has found his new home, perhaps, one day, we will all find a new path."
" far away from war." is possible then to escape this reality, Fern considered Yanna's wisdom. She glanced over to Tech, who raised his computer visor and did the same, his brown eyes blinked and his head tilted in an inquiring manner. As she advocated her feelings through her soft, yet intense, eye contact, her lips forming a straight line, the intellectual clone received her message...a recollection of her wish...
"I wish, for a quiet life. To just breathe for more than a day without any worries or paranoia. Somewhere far away from the Empire. Away from danger. Away from the fighting. I'm done fighting, Tech..."
If both Hunter and Tech were being honest with themselves, they also longed for a more permenant situation where they no longer had to sleep with one eye open nor watch each other's six every waking moment. But for now, their path was still uncertain. Nevertheless, they must continue, as a squad, to adapt and survive with the hope things will be better in the future.

Humor*SEQUEL* to my first TBB fanfiction titled "Stealth and Track" The adventures of Fern, Omega, and the boys of the Bad Batch continue after the destruction of Kamino a few months prior. While the idea is to lay low now that they are all presumed dea...