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"Which leads me to assume you, Fern," Tech turned to me, handing me his data pad that Omega used to examine the Imperial ships.
"have already memorized all the plans?""Uh, yeah," Fern's eyes averted his. "Definitely."
"This one's too big. This one's too small.
This one's got a face tattoo. This one," [Phee] pointed at me, but before she finished her thought, I beat her."Will knock your drink out of your hand if you continue."
"Sheesh," Phee rolled her eyes. She then caught sight of Tech at the end of the line. "Oh, hey now." Her distained tone switched to a suave one as she stepped forward towards the intellectual clone. "Got a name, Brown Eyes?"
Oh, jeez, give me a break...
"Don't answer that." I stopped him, knowing exactly what he'd do next, rambling on how we clones all have brown eyes.
"I can see why Cid calls you 'Princess'." Phee glanced over at me, unamused. "Entitled, much?"
Echo put his arm out between me and her before I could make a move.
"You said 'if.'" Hunter breathed. "I don't like
"Depends on how we use it." Echo defended.
"In our case, it doesn't really matter." Fern stretched her arm above her head as she rose from her knees. "It's all dirty. Can't get much dirtier. Something you must learn, Omega, is that everyone, in their own way, are greedy.
Doesn't matter what species you are or what you strive for in life, good or bad - everyone is out to get something and most are willing to do anything for it. But what you must remember is," Fern selected two pieces of credit and rubbed them together between two fingers. "power is money and money is power. And those who hoard it from others? That, is true corruption." She dropped the credits back in the pile and placed the same hand on Omega's shoulder. "Always remember there are ways to fight for what you want without hurting others."————————————————————————
"Roger that." Fern smiled, then looked to the other three. "Come on, let's get to the front and get out of here. I'm sick of this place."
"Funny, since you couldn't keep your hands off this stuff when we first arrived." Echo pointed out.
"Ha ha," Fern rolled her eyes.
"I only did what was necessary." Tech huffed, supporting his upper body with his forearms.
"If I hadn't, you and I would have both been crushed. You, would have mostly died since you refuse, to wear armor."I lightly scoffed through my nose. "First off, you and I have gone over this before: armor is very restricting on my enhanced abilities. Secondly, what do you mean 'armor' - you considered these bright blue demin pants 'armor'?" I laughed, knowing I'm the one who picked them out for him to wear. I know it was unintentional, but Tech's normal mannerisms seemed to break my guilt—especially when I noticed Tech's face flaring up, whether from embarrassment or what have you. I started to relax and mindfully process our new situation calmly. "And thirdly, I suppose you are right: me getting flattened on top of you wouldn't have been a very pretty sight.

Humor*SEQUEL* to my first TBB fanfiction titled "Stealth and Track" The adventures of Fern, Omega, and the boys of the Bad Batch continue after the destruction of Kamino a few months prior. While the idea is to lay low now that they are all presumed dea...