"Tick." Fern glared at him as she grabbed his arm. "What were you thinking?"
"Well, I perceived no other option if we wanted to avoid being, as Tay-0 described it, 'buried in the eastern sand dune.' Additionally. I am the only logical alternative to operate the speeder. I have been analyzing the sport since this morning."
"Yeah, but—Ugh." Fern stamped her foot in resentment, even though she knew he was right...Her hand loosened her grip on his bicep and slipped off as her head hung in defeat. A pit formed in her stomach. The gears were grinding in her skull. Tech watched her and sighed. "There is no need to worry, Fern. I calculate that — Fern? Where are you going?"
"Uh, Fern?" Wrecker stammered.
"What is she doing?" Omega asked.
The three enhanced clones gathered at the entrance of the garage and witnessed the fuming female hike herself on top of the newly-repaired speeder, pop open the hatch, and begin ripping out unnecessary parts and sheets of metal behind the racer's mount. She grunted as she strained a few times and yelled when she chucked the junk over her shoulder, clattering noisily against the cement floor.
"What are you doing?" Tech inquired plainly.
"Making room for me." Fern announced. "I'm racing with you, Wired-Brain."
"I do not think that is wise."
"And I know this is not up for debate." Fern clapped her hands together as she slid down the side of the speeder. "That course," She pointed outside as she stepped up to the intellectual clone. "is a death trap. I can't just sit here and do nothing while you risk your life for a ludicrous bet that we should have never been dragged into." She glanced over at Omega when she blurted out that last statement. Resuming eye contact with Tech, she sighed. "I'm racing with you. You focus on controls. I'll man the weapons and schematics. Together, we have a better shot at not only winning this race, but surviving it as well."
"You, make a valid point." Tech caved in.
Fern grinned, her nose scrunched teasingly. "I knew you'd see it my way."
"So, you are going to be in the speeder with Tech?" Omega gasped, not knowing to be excited or terrified. Fern knelt to one knee in front of her, gazing up and speaking softly. "It'll better our odds, Half-Pint. I'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday. It was uncalled for."
"It's okay, Fern." The young girl smiled. "We are going to get Cid back, right?"
"Well, our lives depend on it now, so yes." Fern rose to her feet with her hands on her hips. "Come on, we only have a couple of hours until the race begins. Let's run every test and calibration twice. If I am going out in this imperilmental situation, at least I know it won't be because of a vehicular malfunction on my watch."
"Your optimism is to be admired, Fern." Tech said.
"Was that sarcasm, Wired-Brain?"
"Wrecker, I can use your help with removing any extraneous components in ensure Fern will be secured and complacent in the speeder with me." Tech avoided the question by walking with the muscular clone, but glanced over his shoulder with a cheeky nod.
Fern shook her head with a light chuckle, then pulled Omega along by her shoulder. "Come on, Half-Pint. Let's do this."
It was time. Wrecker had helped push the speeder to the starting line and rejoined Omega up at the pits, where they overlooked from the right side of the track. I waved up at them with a forced smile — deep down, the pit in my stomach had double in size.

Humor*SEQUEL* to my first TBB fanfiction titled "Stealth and Track" The adventures of Fern, Omega, and the boys of the Bad Batch continue after the destruction of Kamino a few months prior. While the idea is to lay low now that they are all presumed dea...