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Athena had been on Coruscant hundreds of times before. It was the prime realm in the entire galaxy for bounty hunters to claim and collect high-compensated jobs. Especially if you were associated with the right crowd — you stayed alive longer that way. While she was very familiar with the underground and sleezier quadrants of the ecumenopolis, Athena had never dared to set foot in the posh Federal District, much less been invited up there for a trade in service. At this moment, however, she felt like she was missing out on the rare view of the cleaner side of the planet, for there were no viewports, as the shuttle entered the atmosphere and touched down at the former Republic military base's entrance.

Athena shielded her dark eyes from the setting sun as she stepped off and tried to hide her impressed reaction to the imposing facility. Both Cody and Crosshair traversed ahead while she continued to admire the architecture. The latter, with his helmet tucked under his arm, turned when he realized she was lagging behind. "Are you coming?" His icy voice penetrated her and she picked up her feet until she could pace herself next to him.

Eventually, the three of them were strolling by a massive, glowing, blood-orange slab of Genonosian stone that must've had hundreds of thousands of names...no, numbers, etched in squares from top to bottom. On either side of what was undoubtedly a memorial of some sort, was an towering, grey obelisk bearing sculpted clone troopers on the three outer walls, standing at attention with a rifle at arms. As dusk approached, lights lined a the base illuminated the polished spire. "What is this?" Athena asked curiously.

"This is the First Battle Memorial." Cody answered, pausing in his steps and facing her. "It commemorates the soldiers who perished in the opening battle of the Clone Wars, the First Battle of Geonosis."

A shiver shot down Athena's spine as her mouth formed a straight line. Cody noticed the change in her demeanor. "Something wrong?"

"Nope," Athena popped her lips. "Nothing. Fascinating. Really. Shall we continue?" She began walking ahead, only to glance behind her and see Cody unmoving, his neck arched back and his eyes locked on the monument.

"Problem?" Crosshair questioned.

"Tell me something, Crosshair." The commander said, his voice deepened. "This, new Empire...Do you think we are making the galaxy better?"

Athena's ears pricked up at the odd question coming from a clone who—

"We're soldiers." Crosshair interrupted her thought. "We do what needs to be done."

"Well, you know what makes us different from battle droids?"

Athena, staring across into Crosshair's eyes changing from their natural sneer to widening in concern, narrowed her own in confusion.

"We make our own decisions." Cody answered his own inquiry. "Our own choices...And, we have to live with them, too." He resumed his way to the main entrance, but before he passed the bounty hunter, he stopped once more, leaned in, and breathed, "That goes for you, too."

Athena was speechless. Her eyes followed the soldier as he walked on, the blaster in his hand heavily swayed at his side, as if it was suddenly a burden to carry. She then looked at Crosshair behind her, who stood there in silence, his mind clearly consumed in his thoughts. "Hey," she said calmly. He looked up at her. She nodded her head towards the ingress. "Shall we head on?" Crosshair hummed a yes and the two of them resumed their walk. Not a word was uttered between them.


Admiral Rampart barely glanced up his datapad when Athena and Crosshair entered his office, then proceeded to lower the device as his eyes locked on the former. "Well," he scoffed lightly. "I was intrigued when I glossed over Governor Grotten's report of a female bounty hunter executing her employer because of the lack of compensation for her service...but, I did not anticipate this. Miss Athena Quinn, is it?"

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