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"My, look how the mighty has fallen." I snickered, bouncing down the steps inside the detainment cell. Hunched over his knees on the protruding ledge against the back wall, was former Vice Admiral Rampart. His neatly-pressed Imperial uniform and shiny decoration medals had been stripped from him and replaced with a dark-gray jumpsuit. I spotted a hint of gray in his messy brown hair when he raked his fingers through it as he raised his head at me. His light-brown eyes betrayed his deprivity of sleep.

"I am surprised you actually agreed to visit me." He wrinkled his nose. "I see your appearance was taken into serious consideration."

"Oh, my apologies for not dressing in my evening best or running a ornamental comb through my hair for you." I jeered. "I just returned from that classified mission on Endor. You know, where Crosshair and I were tasked to eliminate insurgents taking over an Imperial base?"

"Ah, yes," Rampart folded his hands over his knees. "I remember briefly scanning at a report that the base was unfortunately demolished by a detonation of sone sort. I supposed you both had perished in the explosion."

"We were stranded on Endor for three rotations."

"How resourceful you and CT-9904 must have been then," Rampart's grin curled at the corner of his mouth. "to survive and manage to crawl your way back to Coruscant." He then averted his eyes to his right with a dry chuckle. "Forgive me, I believe I am experiencing a sense of deja vú."

"What was that Imperial base's purpose before it was destroyed?" I questioned bluntly, ignoring the vice admiral's own amusement. I then clarified myself. "The communications system on those blueprints were the most extensive I've ever seen—capable of sending a signal across the galaxy within seconds. And then, there's the massive satillite that I believe was a shield generator under construction. What would the Empire possibly need a shield generator powerful enough to wrap a small moon in a bubble for?"

"Do you think you were summoned here by me to interrogate me about your failed mission?"

"I am not the one being detained for mass murder and destruction; I believe that gives me a privilege you no longer have." I crossed my arms in confidence.

Rampart raised a brow. "You believe? You believe you hold that much power in your current position? My, to think I viewed you as an intelligent sort."

"Is that the best insult you can muster under that pompous disposition of yours?"

The vice admiral's eyes narrowed menacingly. "Hardly."

"What was the purpose of that base?" I asked again. I remained calm. I was in no rush.

"Why is that information so important to you?"

"Because I'm now realizing you don't know yourself." I shook my head as I bit the inside of my lip. "So many secrets for such a young government. Then again, this Empire had to exist within the shadows for years before it exposed its reptilian head and poisoned the entire Republic with its venomous, yet tasteful promise of a 'safe and secure society.'"

"What an ironic choice of words." Rampart finally rose to his feet, folding his hands behind his back. "It was the Empire who brought down the terrorists and traitors who fought to continue the instability and war in the galaxy. Don't you know the Empire has provided jobs not only in the Empirical military, but opportunities for pilots, officers, troopers, and many more? It also has allowed planets to continue to grow their businesses, including the bounty hunter guilds that you were once associated with, and has an efficient law enforcement that has lowered crime and enforces the law effectivelv."

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