Bonus Chapter Four: Deleted/Extended Scenes and Chapters, ETC.

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Be sure to comment on the ones I may (or not) should have used!!!

EXTENDED SCENE: Tech/Fern: Safa Toma

- This is the scene in Chapter Eighteen in which Fern and Tech have a conversation while they fixed the speeder for the riot race.
- It originally started off with Tech saying, "You are abnormally quiet."
"I wish you were, too!" Fern retorted, then closed her eyes with an apologetic sigh. "That was impulsive. I'm sorry."

- But that led the conversation on a path in which it took awhile to get back on track...

- Listen: I tried so hard to have as many Tech moments with Fern as respectfully as possible, because know...


- So instead of playing cards with locals to earn that extra bit of credits to buy a ship, I actually considered Athena performing for the saloon.
- She would have sang a song along the lines of "Dangerous Woman" by Ariana Grande.
- This was going to open up another aspect of Athena's life during the war, in which she indulged herself as a performer and possibly a stripper...
- So, I figured that was possibly too much trauma?
- Also, I won't lie, I totally imagined her, as I was outlining this scene, that Athena would have full-on flirted with Crosshair while singing—maybe even have straddled him. LAP DANCE STYLE.
- I regret nothing.


- This chapter would have taken place after Kashyyyk. Omega would attract a virus from the planet.
-I figured this wasn't necessary, though.
- However, I'd already written a similar chapter in my "BAD BATCH: ONESHOTS" book.


- This chapter would have been all about Athena tracking down Fern's and the rest of Clone Force 99's whereabouts.
- I would have brought back Fennec Shand and Roland Durand!
- However, it would've taken away from the mystery of it all on how Athena managed to follow her all the way to Safa Toma.
-So, I resulted to Athena giving her "yadda-yadda" version to Fern and allowed the primary discussion take its course.


- Okay, don't hate me too much for this one...
- So I did have a "Date" chapter planned for Athena and Crosshair while they were on "Shore Leave" on Coruscant.
- This would have taken place after the events of their first kiss and Athena's last conversation with Rampart. Basically, they would have an entire day to themselves while on Coruscant and maybe have shared one more kiss.
- Why didn't I go through with it?
- Because I felt like it would start molding their relationship into a direction I did not want them to take. If that makes sense.

EXTENDED SCENE: Fern and Chuchi

- Pretty self-explanatory: I was going to touch on more of how Fern and Riyo Chuchu knew each other.
-Perhaps in a flashback?

EXTENDED SCENE: Fern and Wrecker

- I'm actually sad I could not fit this one scene into...really anywhere.
- I thought my best bet was while they were on Pabu—but there was never a good slot to where it made it feel natural...
- I almost input it during the Ipsidon Arc.
- It was a conversation in which Wrecker reminesced about his and Clone Force 99's days during the war...
- Wrecker: "Back then, days seem much more innocent. Full of good memories. All our troubles in a corner. Just livin' our best lives doin' what we did best. Together."
- Maybe I'll get to use it in my third novel.


- Basically, I did have a version in which Fern DID KNOW Echo was leaving.
- She would have given him the bionic hand to him, then.
- Echo would have an one-on-one conversation with Fern to attempt to convince her to join him and Rex.
- HOWEVER, I had this awesome plan with Fern witnessing Palpatine's speech, and I unfortunately couldn't have both.

EXTENDED SCENE: Tech's Confession

- I'm not going to lie: I had like 10 versions of this scene.
- I knew I could not overdo it. This was over 100 chapters in the making, and I must handle it with the same love I have for Tech and Fern's friendship. They are a dynamic duo in their own rights, and it was only right that when the time came.....Tech and Fern retained that same dynamic but stronger.
- But there were several points I wanted to add within the scene—first, the 'kiss' was originally NOT a dream!
- which would have led the conversation down a whole different path—one I decided it was not best to take...
- That's why I decided to make a daydream of sorts, because then I could have the best of both worlds!

ALTERNATE ROUTE: Fern Meets Gerrara

- Fern would have been meeting Saw Gerrara for the first time.
- Yes, she would have given him a piece of her mind in logisitics
- I thought originally it would build on her trauma in the last chapter and so on.
- The reason I decided against this, is because I wanted Fern to showcase her enhanced skills at her finest.
-After all, the mission is where she excelled the most.
- Also, the fact she actually never meets him and everything happened the way it did, makes it all the more tragic, in my opinion.


- So when I was first creating Athena, I had two options on how to introduce her. Either she was already Imperial, or not.
- Obviously, I chose the 'not' route.
- But here was the other option: When Crosshair was reunited with Cody on Coruscant, Athena would be present as well, donning an Imperial uniform. (She would have been revealed eventually that she joined the Empire the instant the Republic fell)
- Of course, Crosshair freaks out and questions.
- Cody admits, "Yeah, caught me by surprise, too."
- Athena would have already been Rampart's right-hand woman—in fact, I had her (low-key) seducing him for her own personal game. A trick she picked up as a bounty hunter.
- She would still have her violent nature, snarky personality, etc. but in a different light of sorts.
- Her intentions would be using her Imperial status to benefit her own goals—very similar to how I wrote her in the novel.
- Let's just say I'm glad I chose the other route.

So that's it! As you can see, I put a tremendous amount of thought and planning into my writing, and sometimes, certain scenes/plotlines just don't make the cut!

I am very proud of what I've produced, regardless!

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