"I don't want to talk about it right now..." Fern muttered as she curled up tighter in the pilot's seat.
"Fern, I think you should at least say something to her." Echo urged in a low voice. He leaned forward over his knees while he sat across the distraught female clone in the copilot's spot. He then glanced to his left to watch Omega bring food to the frightened Wookie who huddled in the back.
"I think I said enough, Echo." she lopped her head, meeting his sable eyes. "That's the problem." As Echo sighed, Fern heard the clicking of heels against the metal floor and straightened herself to see Hunter and Wrecker approaching both kids. An aggressive growl from the Wookie followed, to which the two clones backed away.
"A padawan..." Fern breathed, still processing the miracle they have found a Jedi still alive after Order 66. Echo nodded his head to the others as a gesture to join them. Fern silently agreed and unfolded her legs to stand up. As they both entered the small assembly, Hunter had finished explaining how they weren't a threat.
"It's okay." Omega smiled, as she gently pushed the food dish towards the Wookie. "Eat." A moment later and the Jedi was chowing down on the grub gratefully. The young girl climbed up on a crate and allowed her legs to swing over. "I'm Omega. What's your name?"
"Grrr. Ir. Ir."
"My Wookie is a little rusty." Hunter said, his arms comfortably crossed over his chest. "But, I believe he said his name is Gungi." The child hummed in response, still stuffing his mouth with fiber rolls.
"Where did you learn to speak Wookie, Hunter?" Fern seated herself on the edge of his chair, leaning back against his shoulder. "Ah, let me guess: your elective at the Academy."
"What was yours?" Hunter asked curiously.
"Binary and Mandalorian, of course." Fern grinned. Arching her neck back and noticing Tech hovering over her, she reached her arm up and back and tapped on his helmet's yellow-orange data-visor. "Though, I would much rather have his nifty built-in translator. Eh, Tick?"
Gungi grunted a few noises as he continued to eat.
"I didn't catch that." Hunter shrugged, then he too looked up at the intellectual clone, who had already slipped down the acclaimed visor. "How about you?"
"He's been on the run since Order 66, and was attempting to reach the Wookie homeworld of Kashyyyk before he was captured by those smuggling droids." Tech translated.
"I'm not sure how you survived this long on your own," The sergeant leaned forward over his knees with a nod. "but it's impressive." Fern hummed in agreement. Omega hopped down from her perch and faced the rest of the squad. "If he's trying to get to his homeworld, we can take him."
"Been awhile since we been in Kashyyyk." Wrecker grinned with a fist pump. For once, it seemed like a no-brainer to Fern. Any Wookie civilization would most likely take in the child and he would easily blend in without the risk of being discovered as a Jedi. But her thoughts changed when Hunter suddenly rose from their seat and headed back towards the cockpit. She immediately tagged along and they both stopped when Echo addressed them in a low voice. "The Empire could have outposts there by now. We don't know if it's safe for him there."
The sergeant placed a firm hand on his shoulder, knowing the latter meant well, and sighed, "He's a Jedi. He's not safe anywhere..."
"Kashyyyk is the only place he has a chance at a normal life." Fern stated. "It's the least we can do after all he's been through. We won't leave him until we are certain he will be...safer."

Humor*SEQUEL* to my first TBB fanfiction titled "Stealth and Track" The adventures of Fern, Omega, and the boys of the Bad Batch continue after the destruction of Kamino a few months prior. While the idea is to lay low now that they are all presumed dea...