The following two chapters will be following Episode Three's which Crosshair will encounter a new character I have fabricated for this novel. She will play a pivotal role in Crosshair's development...Her creation is my way of including Crosshair in this novel and, additionally, flows with Fern's involvement with the Bad Batch...
We begin with a meeting with the governess of Desix, Tawni Ames, and a notorious bounty hunter she has hired to rid Imperial forces from her planet...
"Athena Quinn," Governess Tawni Ames smoothly slurred the bounty hunter's name through her accent. "if I may be so bold to ask...did you favor a side during the war?"
"Not particularly." Athena shrugged against the wall cornering the vast open framework that overlooked the city of Desix. The setting orange sun bounced off her shrouded face. "I was trained as a soldier from birth, but no army wanted me. Ironic, I have gathered after so many years."
"Someone of your status, I can hardly imagine the Separatist Army rejecting you..." Ames paused briefly. "You must have a, perplexing history."
"That is too bold, my lady." Athena clenched the hilt of one of her vibro-knifes, weapons she had stolen off the body of a clone she'd killed a year prior, discreetly.
"Excuse me, Ms. Quinn." The governess bowed her head apologetically. "Your job here is crucial...This, Galatic Empire, has claimed they have brought peace, and yet they dictate aristocracy. It is an absolute monarchy, that disguises itself behind the mask of unity and prosperity to oppress every planet and civilization with rigid control, displaying any severe act...necessary to secure their creed."
"It is quite...brazenous." Athena shrugged at her own choice of words.
"The 'diplomatic' envoy will be arriving soon, and I know indubitably they are not coming to negotiate peace. I assume I don't need to disclose further instructions on your task?"
"For the amount you're offering?" the bounty hunter chuckled as she crossed her arms over her obsidian chest plate. She then flicked the firm visor attached to her matching helmet with a single finger. "You can request whatever you like. An execution line perhaps? To make an example for this Empire?"
"That won't be necessary." Tawni said. "We only want to send a message."
"Whatever you say." Athena snorted.
"Governor," the tactical droid spoke in a digital tone. "The Imperial shuttle is within range."
"Let's welcome them, shall we?"
"Well," Athena shouldered herself off the wall and promptly secured the mesh covering over her face, her little trick to throw off her opponents when commencing her specialized hand-to-hand combat. Patting her dual vibro-knives on her hips, she rolled her head around her neck and grinned. "Time to get to work."
Athena watched the progression of the small, yet innovative, clone squad from her perch on one of the taller buildings in the city, smirking underneath her face covering. She had just witnessed quite the spectacle — a very tall clone clad in dark-gray Imperial armor just annihilated a Separatist-engineered tank with a single clean sniper shot down its barrel.
One of these clones are not like the rest, she sang to herself. Once she noticed them dividing their forces, she rose to her feet and stretched her arms above her head. "Alright, I've let them have their fun long enough." With a single step off the roof, she dropped two stories, skidded down a sloped wall, and rolled on impact to her feet. She prowled around the alleys and plaza squares in between the pursuing clones and the tower where the governess waited. She heard the blaster shots from both ends of the city, the closer ones were only a few blocks away.

Humor*SEQUEL* to my first TBB fanfiction titled "Stealth and Track" The adventures of Fern, Omega, and the boys of the Bad Batch continue after the destruction of Kamino a few months prior. While the idea is to lay low now that they are all presumed dea...