I strolled down the corridor towards Rampart's office, sporting my newly-acquired bomber jacket and a victorious smirk. As I received glances from uniformed officers and armored soldiers, a surge of pride made me puff my chest out even more. None of them could possibly comprehend why I marched with high esteem emitting off me, but they were aware enough that I was a someone in the Empire as of the moment I reached my destination, and therefore not one to challenge.
Upon entering through the panel door and in the vice admiral's presence, I added a skip in my step before planting myself at the foot of his long, empty, slate desk. What was the point of such a large space if you were not going to adorn it? The entire chamber was shrouded with dim bleakness. The only illumination was the natural light seeping through the immense viewport behind Rampart.
"I'm assuming by your jaunty disposition that the deed is done?" Rampart's low, smooth voice sighed, placing his datapad down on his lap and raising his brows to me in half-regard. At least he harmonized with his surroundings.
"Indeed, sir," I dramatically saluted him, and then fanned out my jacket, staging my prize. "I snagged this beauty off my doppleganger herself."
"I see. Is that...blood?" Rampart pointed with his rich, dark-brown eyes. I glanced down at the splotch of dark red on the left side of my chest and shoulder and grazed my fingers over it. "Ah, yes, it is." I snorted with amusement. "Fern bled so nicely, but there was no way I could leave behind such a nice jacket. Nothing a little washing won't fix."
"And, your hand? You are injured?"
"Oh, this?" I examined my bandaged hand and shrugged, pursing my lips. "Occupational hazard."
"I see." Rampart repeated and nodded. He lifted his electronic and scrolled across its surface; I watched him swallow whatever discomfort he exhibit in regard to the claret — personally, I found it humorous that such a high-ranking officer could be so disturbed at the sight of blood. He cleared his throat, "Well, it seems you've proven yourself exponentially. With the issue resolved, I'll admit you are right, it does ease my mind. I congratulate you. Additionally, as promised, you are henceforth my personal abettor in the Galatic Empire. I will oversee you are settled in your new quarters and any necessities you may require."
"Much appreciated." Rampart's words were music to my ears.
"However, Miss Quinn," The vice admiral ventured, breaking my grin as his cheeked to the side. "I hope you understand the predictament you are in. As my personal abettor, you will the face of all my attainments, whether it is simple extraction of information or eliminating threats. You report to me, and only me."
"Understood." I said, though in my mind I pondered why this officer was stating the obvious. However, simultaneously, I noticed the dull atmosphere darkening around me and my new boss...My nerves twitched with caution.
"If others find out you are, in fact, a clone..."
Ah...that's why...
"—I would have no choice but to phase you out with the rest of your kind." Rampart finished. "You are part of something mighty, Miss Quinn, and from what you have shown me so far, in regard to the events on Desix and your most recent accomplishment, you have what it means to be part of this Empire. In other words, you are useful. I would prefer to applicate your assets to the fullest to benefit my endeavors. Alas, if word is revealed you are a clone, there is nothing I can do for you. Do I make myself apparent?"
He actually has the audacity to threaten me? Does he know I can end him with a flick of my wrist?
I smiled gently and responded in a soft voice, "Of course, Sir. If you excuse me, I would like to, um, head to the medical bay to get my injury examine. Just to double check for any infection."

Humor*SEQUEL* to my first TBB fanfiction titled "Stealth and Track" The adventures of Fern, Omega, and the boys of the Bad Batch continue after the destruction of Kamino a few months prior. While the idea is to lay low now that they are all presumed dea...