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"Huh," I tilted my head in the full-body mirror, impressed. "these clothes actually look nice." I brushed down the front of the pearl-turquoise top with three-quarter, cuffed sleeves. The neckline squared around my collarbones and then sliced down my navel. The thin V-neck was bordered with white, embroidered flowers. The cut of the shirt fitted to my snatched figure. My fingers massaged the dark-blue fabric stretched over my thighs and hip bones. Bending over, I rolled up the hems to the center of my shins. Lastly, I clipped on my utility belt, equipped with my (new) comm link, vibro knife, and hand gauntlet that I have seldom used.

Selecting a comb I found in a drawer, I gently groomed my damp, wavy hair. Next, I wove three thick, raven strands down my shoulder and fanned out each section of the braid. The final step would be to selectively pull the looser hairs to frame my face and slip on my grey headband. Yet, I hesitated with my signature accessory... While my left index finger twirled around a lock of hair hanging down my temple, my right one mindfully caressed over the Republic insignia as the band rested in my palm.

I've worn this as a piece of my uniform since I was a cadet. I reminesced. When I believed I was fighting for a better future in a war-ridden, chaotic galaxy. A future that was suppose to reflect a once-peaceful Republic that I never questioned, despite never truly understanding what that actually entailed...and I suppose I never will. So why the hell am I still wearing this?

Abruptly, Athena's wicked smirk flashed in my eyes and I dropped my headband with a startled gasp. My breath lightly shuddered as my hand pressed onto my chest, my heart burst into rapid palpitation. Her pursed lips cooed in my ears...

"Well, I need some sort of proof I killed you for Rampart. Your Republic-insigniated band will suffice. Unless, you'll let me take something else?"

I had bit down on my lip as my doppleganger eyed my beloved bomber jacket. She had noticed, grinned, and slurred teasingly, "What is it going to be?"

I had not hesitated to surrender my jacket rather than my headband...

"Interesting." she had chirped.

I stooped down and slowly picked up my band from the wooden floor, staring at it while engrossed in my thoughts.

She was not wrong. Even now, I am still questioning why I didn't just let her take it. Was I still, perhaps subconsciously, clinging onto that peaceful happily ever after? Or maybe I was fastening my grip on the last remnants—last memories—of my service during the war?

There's no need, though, right? Why linger on a past that will never return? Especially since of all that has come to pass. Not to mention, I've seen—found—new renditions of what a 'better future' could encompass... There are extraordinary opportunities to explore. Here. On Pabu...

Knock. Knock.

I exhaled sharply again at the sudden, yet light hammering on the door. "Whoops, didn't mean to scare you." Phee snickered.

"Doesn't happen often enough, I suppose." I sighed, managing a forced grin. Ironic that Athena would break into my conscience right before Phee showed up... I senselessly tossed away my grey headband onto the bed. "So, ready to get a mouthful from me?"

Phee smirked as if I had just challenged her, then nodded out the door. "Come on, I've got a place we can talk in private."

"Is this not your house?" I gestured with my eyes while raising a brow.

"Sort of." Phee shrugged. "It's more of a loft above a bungalow here in Upper Pabu. I bunk here every once in a while. I figured you'd want a better view than an empty bedroom to say whatever's on your mind." She bobbed her head knowingly.

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