I didn't love him for the way he looked...but for the way he looked at me...
Speculating the truth of my past had been a whirlwind, but now I am contemplating what it all means. It is as if...somewhere, in my wicked, miserable life, there must have been a moment of truth; I must have done something good...
It is difficult to think I never believed in the butterfly effect up until now... That the people we bump into or cross paths with throughout our lives was arranged by fate, destiny, nor even the Force. However, reminescing here in my detainment cell, I do reckon my conscience has made irrational decisions because of the influences of others. And I don't mean 'irrational' as a negative notion. I wouldn't be the woman I am today if it wasn't for the Kaminoans. For the notorious bounty hunter and, believe it or not, my mentor Cad Bane. I can even throw in Fennec Shand and my long-lost little sister Fern. Nevertheless, the fundamental difference between interacting with all of them and you, Crosshair, is because I know you... I have been changed for good...and for the better.
And there was no going back.
"Miss Athena Quinn?"
Immersed in my strewn thoughts, I had not heard the panel door slide open nor the clicking of heels entering the cell. My eyes burst open and my first sight was the neat-freak herself, Lieutenant Laural Lerga. Another person who has influenced the course where I am now, physically. In a negative notion. The petite woman woman had her light-blonde hair tied back in a low bun. Her monotonous, hazel eyes lazily glared down at me; they betrayed her lack of interest of consulting with me. Her thin lips were frozen in a disappointed frown. Just as before, the Imperial uniform she donned was neatly pressed, completely scarce of wrinkles. In the crook of her left arm rested a small datapad.
I snickered into my folded hands. "That's Ensign Athena Quinn, to you. After all, that's the rank you assigned me before sending me on that suicide mission." I did not bother with formalities, rather any member of the Empire from hence deserved nothing less than my blantant impudence.
"The matter of your formerly-assigned rank will come at another time." Lerga rolled her eyes, bringing her electronic device forward and tapped on its screen.
"Is he here?" I muttered through my fingers.
"Who?" The request for clarification slurred from her lips like someone who has witnessed the same boring play and must entertained that she has not. She was not fooling me. "You know damn well, who." I straightened my upper body, but refrained from standing as I snapped. "I won't ask ag—"
"He is not here." She glanced up from her pad. Her lips tightened. "CT-9904 is being detained somewhere else."
"Where is he?" I demanded.
The lieutenant sighed, returning her focus to whatever business she was conducting on the small screen. "I do not know."
"You expect me to be—"
"I assure you," she insisted in a slow, deep tone. "I do not know. I would not lie."
Funny enough...I believed her that time. She granted me her insurance with eye contact, her chin raised and her expression sincere. My heart dropped into my stomach as my shoulders hunched, my forearms splaying over my thighs. My chin dipped to the side and I bit my bottom lip as I calculated my options on how I would find Crosshair now. I didn't even know where I was, for this exact cell was where I gained consciousness. The last memory I had was fiercely cradling Crosshair's head to my chest while pointing a blaster at Imperial soldiers... I figured there was no use in asking Lt. OCD—she seemed to be on her own agenda for our confession session.

Humor*SEQUEL* to my first TBB fanfiction titled "Stealth and Track" The adventures of Fern, Omega, and the boys of the Bad Batch continue after the destruction of Kamino a few months prior. While the idea is to lay low now that they are all presumed dea...