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As we made our way to meet Senator Organa, my mind dissected Riyo's words when we were in the Senator Chamber. The more I overanalyzed the clones' unforeseen future prior to this Defense Recruitment Bill, the more I understood the severity of the situation. Additionally, something about what the Pantoran senator declared, how she was acting as a voice for the clones, didn't state a clear distinction of what she was truly doing...

I was not a politian, but I have heard many people say they were the voice for the voiceless. The problem with that was those groups already had voices and were trying to make things better for everyone, not just their communities. They didn't need someone to speak over them.

Clones are no different. We too have voices of our own. We have needs and wants and we are perfectly capable of voicing those. What we don't have is representation. And that was the distinction of what Riyo was doing. She wasn't trying to give us a voice. She was trying to give us the opportunity for our already-existing voices to be heard. To me, that was a very important perception.

"Senator Chuchi," a familiar soothing voice snapped me back to reality, and my eyes widened with elation when I spotted a tall man with tan skin, styled dark hair, and brown eyes. "I am glad you were able to meet with—do my eyes deceive me or—"

"It's me, Senator." I flipped the veil over my head, revealing my big smile underneath. "It's been awhile."

"This is a surprise. I haven't heard from you since you escorted me to Alderaan after my life was threatened by pirates." Organa sighed with a small grin. "I wish our reunion was under less stressful circumstances; I would also inquire how you are here, but I feel I will find out sooner than later. Have you learned anything else from the trooper you sought, Senator?"

"Unfortunately," Riyo sighed. "he was killed by an assassin, who ended up being a clone himself. He is also dead now."

"An assassin?" Organa's eyes widened, then sighed as well with a shake of his head. "It appears Rampart is resourceful in covering up his misdeeds."

"Which is why I intend to be equally resourceful." The Pantoran nodded to me next to her. "Some associates of mine are helping procure evidence of his attack on Kamino to present to the Senate."

"These associates are with you, Fern?" Organa raised a brow, then the corner of his mouth cheeked. "If you are confident in your company, then I pray they can accomplish this task."

"We are very confident." Omega beat me to a response, and she nodded up at me with certainty.

"I am happy my squad was called in for this important task." I said. "Something this crucial cannot be left to chance. The boys can handle it and will deliver that evidence to us, no problem." Oh boy, I really hope you pull it off, Hunter...or I am going to have to confess a lie to two senators.

"Other senators may have intel useful to my efforts." Riyo added.

"If you're intent on seeing this through," Organa said. "then there is someone you should speak with." His eyes averted to the ground. "But her cooperation may not be forthcoming...it is Halle Burtoni."

"That disgraced Kaminoan?" I chimed in a little too aggressively. Omega opened her mouth, but I held up my hand to stop her. "She hasn't been senator for a long while. What could she have to contribute?"

"She was part of the Defense Finance Committee before she was removed from office..." His eyes narrowed. "I must go. Fern, I trust you will protect the senator at all costs. Riyo, follow the money. It always leaves a trail..." He met my stare with a nod. I didn't quite understand what he was talking about nor why Halle Burtoni was important in the mix of things, but as Organa departed, I noticed Riyo's growing concern. Her hand raised to her chin in deep thought.

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