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A/N: Who's here?



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"Students! Settle down! The bell has rung, and we need to get started!" Mr. Ray's voice boomed sternly over his Honors Chemistry classroom, motioning for students to take their seats as he entered the room and rounded towards his desk. "I'm going to begin calling out your assigned partners. Please move immediately to the table of the last name called in the pair...James and Rebecca, Kate and Regina..."

Madison tucked her pencil behind her ear, reviewing her notes for the class's lab one final time. The course had spent the last week preparing for their upcoming chemistry experimental research project. Now that the day had finally arrived, she was more than equipped to handle whatever partner the teacher would throw at her.

"Madison and Santana."

Except for that partner.

Madison's head shot up from her notebook, eyes wide. She peered over her shoulder to Santana, who had about the same reaction she had from the back of the class. She turned back around and raised her hand quickly.

"Yes, Miss Casper?" Mr. Ray asked, looking down at his notes. "You are with Santana if you didn't catch that." He glanced between the two, smiling lightly in amusement as he looked between his usual classroom rivals.

"Yes, sir. I heard, but uh, I don't think that Miss. Lopez and I could suitably finish our experiment to the best of our capabilities...jointly."

Santana raised an eyebrow at Madison's formality, watching how her knee bounced anxiously at the idea of them being paired together for such a weighted assignment.

"Well, you both will just have to work to the best of your capabilities to complete the assignment, and if you wish to get anything above a failing grade and not retake this class next year, you will find a way to work together." Mr. Ray motioned towards Santana. "Now, please move to sit with your partner, Miss Casper."

"But his is my-"

"Move to Miss Lopez." Mr. Ray repeated, not caring if Madison had a miniature heart attack about moving seats. "Now, Miss Casper."

Madison felt her heart drop into her stomach, swallowing in fear as she slowly collected her things. Her ears drowned out the sound of the other group's assignments, no longer caring for them. She grabbed her bag and made her way towards Santana's table, falling into the seat to her right without speaking to the Latina.

Santana glanced at Madison once she hopped onto the stool beside her. She frowned at the obvious worry across her face as the girl looked over the neat handwriting across her notebook.

"I have A's and B's in this class," Santana mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"I have an A, and I can't risk losing that A," Madison returned, rereading the same line of her notes to avoid looking at Santana. "And I won't let you ruin it."

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now