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A/N: Trigger warning for mentions of eating disorders as we enter the Home episode's timeline.



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Deep in the forest, the tent was dark. The soft moon light soaking through the skylight of the large tent. It was late enough that the stars above twinkled down and peeked at the two girls inside as they enjoyed their privacy with Balto for another weekend in a row. Stargazing trip after stargazing trip.

They had fallen into a routine. Not interacting too much at school or during the week. Most people considered them still enemies. They'd throw a few words at each other, but for the most part, all either of them could think about was reaching the end of the week where they could have a moment alone, away from civilization and judgmental students.

Madison watched the stars overhead through the decent sized skylight plastic window. Her head rested against a pillow with Balto on her right, his head nuzzling her thigh occasionally when he shuffled to get comfortable. On her left, Santana laid perfectly still with an arm thrown over her waist. Her head rested on her shoulder, eyes closed as she slid her fingers through Balto's thick hair.

"Santana?" Madison whispered.

Santana hummed. Her eyes opened as she felt Madison lean her cheek against her head and sigh. She pushed up and tilted her head when their eyes met.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing." Madison looked back at the stars and smiled somberly. "I wish this was forever. I like spending time with you."

Santana propped her head up on her hand and smiled down at Madison, pulling her attention from the stars. She reached out and fixed the girl's glasses.

"I promise things will get better." She vowed, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on Madison's cheek.

Madison's nostrils flared. Her annoyance was clear when she shook her head and looked back up at the stars.

"You say that all the time. Everyone does."

Madison's eyes glimmered in the reflection of the stars, casting a perfect view for Santana in her large frames. Her lashes fluttered, eyes closing as a single tear slipped from the corner of her eye.

"I'm kinda..." Madison's eyes dulled. "Nevermind."

"Hey." Santana gently turned Madison's face, caressing her freckled skin. "What's going on?"

Instead of responding, Madison slipped out from under Balto's heavy head and hugged Santana's waist. She rolled toward her and snuggled her face into her chest.

"Maddie." Santana felt tears against her skin. She laced her fingers in the girl's hair and pulled her closer, kissing her head. "You can talk to me. Please?"

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now