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A/N: Who's here?


"Do you think I'm prettier in the uniform?"

Balto looked up from where he was laying on the bathroom floor to see Madison in her old Cheerios uniform. She held her hair up in a ponytail, twisting and turning to get a better look at herself. First with the top, then without it, watching the skirt whisk back and forth over her thighs like it does Brittany's legs.

It was late. Her skin was blotchy and red from sitting in the shower for the last few hours, trying her best to wash the day before off her body. She skipped changing into her night clothes when she spotted the uniform she had yet to return, leading to the last hour of staring into the mirror.

"Not prettier than her." Madison answered for herself, running her fingers through her hair. "Santana thinks she's... She's so pretty. Brittany's so pretty. Santana's pretty. I'm just pretty ugly."

Her hand traveled over the flat of her stomach, feeling her freckled skin as she thought of the Cheerios. Santana entered her mind momentarily as she shuffled in place, grazing her fingers over her body again.

Madison bit her lip when tingles fluttered down to her toes. Her mind stuck with Santana, dragging her fingers through her skirt's ruffles, then back up over her thigh. It tingled, burning timidly, much like Santana's touches. Not too hot, but enough that her toes would curl in her shoes.

Balto lowered his head and watched Madison trail her fingers up and down her thighs and stomach. It continued like this for a few minutes before the redhead's hand slipped into her skirt. He grumbled, hoping to get her attention without having to get up. However, when her breathing picked up slightly, cheeks turning pink, he felt he had no choice but to step in and stop the psychological torture going on with his human.

Her eyes fluttered closed, a soft gasp escaping her as her fingers brushed something that made her stomach tingle a little more than before.

He nudged Madison's fingers through the front of her skirt, huffing when she yelped and shoved him away. Balto rubbed against the back of her legs, rounding her again until she ruffled his ears to settle his stubbornness.

"Okay, uh...No, no, no, no, no, no." Madison walked past him and ripped the faucet on, splashing cold water on her face. She looked up, cheeks flushed and goosebumps over her body. "That's what... Okay. That's... okay. Okay. Alright. Okay."

When Madison looked to her dog for help, Balto sat, tilting his head in confusion. She shook her head and quickly turned off the sink, rushing out of the bathroom before her mind could wander too much.


Groaning, Quinn slammed down her phone and returned to fixing her shirt in the locker room mirror.

"What's got your thong in a bunch?" Santana slid in beside her and fixed her uniform. She glanced at her friend, a stray of sympathy for her swollen ankles. "Fat baby?"

"Shut up." Quinn muttered.

Brittany's eyes flickered over Quinn's side profile. "I think you look especially pregnant today. In a good way."

"Is there a good way to say that?" Quinn spat, ripping her makeup bag out of her bookbag. She glanced at Brittany when she noticed her pouty down at her popcorn bag. "Britt, I'm sorry. I'm just..." She pushed her headband back into place. "Mads was supposed to wait for us after school so she could come swim with us at Frannie's hotel, but for some reason, Rachel's crawling up her ass. I just don't want to deal with the aftermath of Berry using Mads for something."

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now