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A/N: Who's here?

Sorry for any mistakes!



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"Your stars are cute."

Madison looked up and smiled a bit. She was still slightly confused by Rachel's sudden request to be friends after the horrible makeover catastrophe, but she didn't mind. She had a little more free time now that Santana started giving her the cold shoulder, Kurt was butt hurt about Finn Hudson still being straight, and Dylan was out of town.

"Thanks." Madison rubbed her arm and awkwardly stood in her room. "It used to be like your room, but I changed it after my dad remarried."

"Why?" Rachel asked, dropping her book bag on the bed and looking around. "I don't see you as the 'Holly Hobbie, Polly Pocket' type."

"I'm not. My Papi is." Madison admitted, following Rachel with her eyes as the Jewish girl examined the room. "He wanted me to be the princess type."

"You like Disney." Rachel pointed to a crown on the bookshelf. "You seem like the princess type."

"I've toned it down." Madison giggled softly. She inhaled and lowered onto her bed, crossing her legs and tracing her finger over her ankle. Her mind wandered to Santana and her mystery plans that day, but she quickly pushed those thoughts out of her head when she considered Santana's refusal to anwser her messages after school that day. "So, how's your vendetta against my cousin for no reason?"

"It's fine." Rachel sighed, turning to face Madison with a sheepish smile. "Is it so wrong of me to like someone I can't have?"

"I don't know." Madison shrugged. "Seems like the plot of most forbidden romances. Most of the time it's not worth it."

"You say that like you know." Rachel brushed her hair out of her face. "Like you...understand?"

There's a second between Madison's reply and the deep breath she takes while she fixes her glasses that reminds Rachel why she's here. She doesn't touch on it, only continues to watch the twirl of red hair around Madison's finger coil until it pops free.

"I've been told I'm dubious when it comes to people." Madison confessed, placing her pillow in her lap and toying with the fabric. "I'll be the first to admit how horrible I am at social cues. It's embarrassing how much I miss or...don't understand till it's too late."

"Well, it's very hard to ignore that you're talented in other aspects." Rachel plopped down on the bed close to the younger girl and smiled at Madison's raised brows. She rested a hand on her knee and ignored for the redhead's eyes zoned in on the unrequested contact. "I think everyone's weaknesses are where their flaws sparkle."

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