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A/N: Who's here?



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Santana tried not to smile when she noticed the funky sneakers waiting for her outside the bathroom stall, despite the owner of said sneakers hating the bathroom with a passion.

"Are you watching me pee now, Chip?" Santana teased, unlocking the door and peeking out where Madison was waiting. She frowned when she noticed the bag hanging from Madison's fingers. "What's that?"

"I didn't see you on Christmas. You were out of town." Madison glanced down at Santana's hand and inhaled deeply. "You'll have to take it because you just used the restroom and haven't washed your hands, but it's your Christmas gift."

"You got me something?"

Santana carefully took the bag, stepping out of the stall and respecting Madison's wishes not to touch her until she washed her hands. She stepped past the redhead, allowing the pounding in her heart to cloud her thoughts as she washed her hands quickly and began tossing the paper into the garbage beside them.

"Well, you locked up my birthday gift, so I was hoping to trade you for a key, but yes." Madison nodded. "I did."

"Before or after Christmas?"

"I got it December first because I didn't want to be rude to Thanksgiving."

Santana turned and looked at Madison with a soft chuckle, digging into the small bag until she pulled out a black box. She frowned, glancing up multiple times as she opened the top and examined the insides.

"You got me a bracelet." She whispered, brushing her fingers over the different symbols on the silver wristlet. A blue star, a robot, a Saint Bernard, a music note, a guitar, a pencil, and finally, the letters MC. "What is this?"

"A friendship bracelet?" Madison shoved her glasses up her nose and bit her lip, looking down shyly. "I-I just thought since you said we could be friends that we could..."

Santana watched Madison's face twist as she blushed deeply and stepped forward.

"I'm sorry." Madison apologized. "That was childish. I shouldn't have—" She reached out for the bracelet, but Santana slipped it over her wrist and admired how perfectly it fit over the veins, pushing blood to the quick racing of her heart.

"I love it." Santana pointed to a matching bracelet on Madison's wrist — a red star, a pom pom, a music note, a scorpion, a fire symbol, a meatball, and the letters SL. "Is that—"

"I made you this first, but I wanted it, so I'm wearing it." Madison smiled when Santana raised a brow. "If that's okay. I can make another."

"It's such a kiddie thing." Santana laughed, shaking her head when Madison's smile faded. "But-But I like it. It's not a bad kiddie thing. You're a kid—" Good one, Santana. "I mean, you're small, and I'm not."

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now