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A/N: Who's here?

Sorry for any mistakes!



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Spending another night drowning her nightmares and dark thoughts away in the shower had become a curse. Madison wasn't one to miss out on school and strived to keep her perfect attendance, so a little exhaustion wouldn't stop her from dragging her feet into Mckinley.

The difficulty came when Chemistry rolled around later that week, and Madison found herself struggling to keep her attention on the teacher's words. She blinked away the sleepiness in her eyes and found against the urge to close her eyes, having a more challenging time than she had anticipated.

Usually, she would be on top of the periodic table and ready to ace their class study sessions for upcoming tests like she was paid to do so. That was typically her routine that kept her on top of her studies, but today it was as if she was being yanked back into the dream world every chance her brain had to sabotage her position in the classroom.

Madison jumped slightly when she felt someone nudge her side. Her eyes snapped open, and she looked at Santana beside her in confusion.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You're drooling all over my desk." Santana whispered, eyeing the girl's bloodshot eyes and faded dark circles under her attempt at makeup coverage. "Hey...Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes." Madison sat up a bit taller and rubbed her eyes carefully. "I'm fine. Focus."

The Latina rolled her eyes at the thirteen-year-olds haste attention shifted to the front of the classroom. She turned her head to the front and tapped her pencil against the top of the desk.

She didn't understand how someone could be so stubborn and annoying all the time and still be seen as some adorable little nerd by a few of the Glee club members. Although she wanted nothing to do with the little dork, Santana attempted to be pleasant and civil. It was hard enough as it was being paired up with Madison Casper, but the redhead seemed only to push that large stick stuck up her ass further any time they tried to work together on their project.

Santana's eyes drifted back toward Madison when she felt something on her arm, rolling her eyes when the freckled girl was leaning against her with her eyes closed. She looked around and turned back to Madison as she slowly drooped toward the table they were sitting on, eyes darting toward their teacher.

"Ghostly," Santana whispered, throwing out her hand to catch her face before Madison's head could slam into their lab table. She rolled her eyes when her forehead thudded against her hand, and she skyrocketed up from the table with wide eyes. "You should go sleep in the nurse's office. You'll get kicked out of class, and I am not losing points because you're not taking care of yourself."

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now