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A/N: Happy November! How are you?

This is purposely short. Don't come for me.



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The Casper house was caked with snow by deep December. Christmas had passed, and the new year was approaching, but snowflakes fluttering down in spiraling swirls reminded the family that the Christmas season was still among them despite the dark tension inside the home.

A knock at the front door of the empty home had made Madison's hope for her father's return rise. She wanted to see him on her birthday, maybe even Cassandra, since the woman was also mysteriously missing in action. Not even Jason remained in the large home to pick at her every birthday wish, even if it were only to see her mother a final time.

And go to the moon. That would have been equally cool.

Madison pushed open the door with Balto's collar in hand, holding him close in case it was a threat. She had always been told not to answer the door, but she was fourteen years old today. Madison figured she could handle a mid-day visit from whoever waited on the other side.

A package.

A package lay just inside the large, overly decoded porch on the front mat. Its packaging was someone's choice of a beautifully smooth planet-themed wrapping paper with a grey ribbon knotted perfectly in the middle of the rectangular box. A small note was tucked under the bow, allowing Madison's curiosity to slip it out without disturbing the package.

"Happy Birthday, Little Star," Madison whispered, reading the note as a small smile formed. She frowned slightly, confusion washing over her at the rest of the messy writing. "Open this when the stars align correctly? Hm."

She glanced up and down the street, only able to see so far due to the way their driveway was positioned compared to her neighbors. When she gave up on trying to find who she assumed the gift was from, Madison knelt down and slowly pulled the string until the ribbon unwound. She peeled off the paper neatly, admiring how easily it had been rubbed into position by careful fingers until she faced a black box.

Madison tilted her head and rubbed her hand over the wooden box. It was painted with skill, not a streak in sight. The black wood was smooth and sanded down perfectly. She moved to open the box, but scowled when she noticed a lock on the gold hardware.

"What the hell?" Madison whined, tugging at the box. She sat back on the lip of the door when it didn't open, staring at the gold lock. "L? L for lock?"

Behind the decorative trees the gardener finely trimmed in preparation for Christmas, separating the Casper household from their neighbors with the help of their large privacy fence, Santana pulled her letterman closer to her body and watched Madison frustratingly check every inch of the large wooden box. There was something unreadable in her eyes as she watched Madison fiddle with the box, hugging her body to hold in the warmth she was losing hiding in the trees.

Santana stood in the trees as she tried to decide what to do, debating on stealing the box back entirely. She had taken a risk. A risk she felt was suitable in her drunken and stupid state of mind. The gift she had really gotten Madison was sitting in the back of her car, wrapped and ready to give to her like every other normal friend the day their break ended, but Santana had to be foolish and give her this.

Her hand wraps around the key hidden on a chain inside her Cheerios uniform, watching Madison adorably try pulling at the lock and opening the box as if the golden clamps weren't holding it down solid. It was an expensive box, after all. There was no way in Madison's might she could break into this box without a power saw.

Balto's looking in her direction now, eyes locked with hers as she pleads for the dog not to bark. Santana slowly slipped between the trees, thanking all the stars on that cute fourteen-year-olds face when Balto only licked at Madison as she picked up the box and shook it lightly.

The snowflakes barely hid the tears in Santana's eyes as she jogged back to the safety of her car, stomach twisting when she heard Madison's laughter echo in her ears at Balto's large tongue.

She fell into her driver's seat and closed the door quietly, letting her tears escape her.

"You're so stupid," Santana whispered, resting her forehead against the steering wheel. "So stupid."

She hoped Madison would open it when Santana was ready to hand her the key. Mentally, she couldn't take the girl knowing how she felt at this moment in time.

Maybe in a few years, if Madison remained her friend and continued to think Santana wasn't some horrible person. After Santana had the chance to sneak more letters into the box, more pictures, more journals, and more documentation of these stupid intrusive thoughts.

The thought of loving Madison Casper as more than a friend was better locked up in a box with the key, far from the only girl who could flip her entire world upside down.

"I love her. I love Madison Casper." Santana whispered, holding the steering wheel as her chest tightened and deep breaths became more challenging to take. "Fuck."



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