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A/N: How are you today?



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Santana spun away from her usual path down the hall and rested her back against the locker. She lulled her head to the side to look over Madison. She offered her a smile when the redhead glanced in her direction, switching her books.

"Coach was really impressed with your balance today. You're a great flier." Santana complimented, hugging her binder to her chest. "Did you get with Britt about dance work? She's pretty much alway available."

"No." Madison's book thumped as it landed inside the locker. "And I don't like being a flier."

"But you're so good at it."

"I'm so good at it because I'm small." Madison grumbled, closing her locker. She turned and faced Santana directly with a soft frown. "There's a reason most of the popular girls on the Cheerios are skinny twigs."

Santana hesitated at the forced response. She reached out to fix Madison's glasses, but the younger girl beat her to it.

"Look, I have to get to class." Madison stepped around Santana, cheeks blazing. "I'll see you in glee."

"Okay. Whatever." Santana scowled as Madison walked away from her. She raised a brow when the speakers above them screeched, watching the redhead wince.

"Madison Casper, please report to the main office. Madison Casper, please report to the main office. Thank you."

Santana smiled teasingly when Madison turned around. She had no choice but to walk past her to get to the front office.

"What did you do to get in trouble?" She asked.

"Probably talking in class again." Madison smiled sadly, shifting her backpack on her shoulders. She took a few steps past the cheerleader and stopped.

Santana raised a brow when Madison looked over her shoulder with a weak smile.

"Can I come over tonight?" Madison asked. "Ride home with you, maybe?"


Madison swallowed the lump in her throat when Santana glanced around out of habit. She felt the rejection deep in her chest, sinking into her stomach when Santana's pitiful eyes bared down at her.

"I'm not sure." Santana crossed her arms and mumbled under her breath, glaring at passing cheerleaders eyeing the two. "I have...shit to do."

"Right." Madison nodded softly. "Shit to do. Cool, uh, I'll just see you in glee then."

Santana didn't have the chance to correct herself after their fellow Cheerios walked away. She wanted to change her mind and tell Madison where to meet her after school, but the younger sophomore had already walked away.

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now