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A/N: Who's here?



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Cassandra leaned against the doorway and watched Madison settle into her bed with Balto. She had spent the afternoon crying or refusing to eat. It had gotten to the point Cassandra felt no choice but to call someone she knew could help.

And it wasn't Andrew.

Closing the door behind her, Frannie offered Cassandra an uncomfortable nod.

"She'll be fine." Frannie reassured the woman. She crossed her arms over her chest and glanced at the closed door. "I don't think your method of counseling was very helpful. I know I'm just the cousin, but–"

"I know you're her mother." Cassandra whispered.

Frannie blinked in surprise. She took a small step back, glancing toward Madison's bedroom.

"I found some stuff Paige kept and those adoption certificates in the safe confirmed it." Cassandra motioned Frannie away from the doorway, toward the kitchen. She didn't want to upset Madison anymore than she already had. "Although, I have to ask why my husband's name isn't actually on anything. Not even Paige's name."

Frannie stopped a few feet away from Cassandra and shook her head. "It's complicated. I shouldn't say more."


"Just stop upsetting her." Frannie hissed, throwing a hand down the hallway. "That is the least you could do. And let me tell her. I do not want you–"

"I don't plan on telling anyone." Cassandra raised her hands in surrender when Frannie avoided stepping too close to her. She picked up an old dusty file she had hid in a drawer near her cake decorations and held it out to the blonde. "Madison's right. As much as I want to be her mother, she only associates me with the worst day of her life."

Frannie reached out and took the file, eyeing Cassandra wearily.

"So I feel like the best thing I can do is..." The woman brushed down her dress and looked off toward her step-daughter's bedroom. "Do what's best for her. Even if I don't agree."

"With calling me?" Frannie flipped through the file and frowned. "What are these? Applications?"

"Andrew has considered sending Madison to a boarding school to help...regulate her life better." Cassandra filled Frannie in. "I've tried speaking to him, but the more I push, and the more she pushes about Paige, the more Andrew is sure some time away is best for her. I talked to him about potentially adopting her, but that was before I realized Madison's...not legally Andrew's child."

"She was supposed to be." Frannie rolled her eyes and slapped the file on the counter. "But I'm learning more and more than the lies I was fed as a teenager were just that. Lies."

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now