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A/N: Who's here?

Sorry for any mistakes!



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"I cannot believe you! You're supposed to be smart!"

Madison's eyes fell to her twiddling thumbs with a heavy sigh. She hadn't realized Finn had slipped to his girlfriend about her attendance at the party, but he had. The pregnant teenager had marched inside the party before her seven minutes were up and ripped Madison out of the game the second she passed through the doorway.

"You are thirteen." Quinn gripped the steering wheel and glared at the road ahead of her. "You do not need to be going to parties with boys. You showed no interest in Dylan! Why now?"

"It doesn't matter." Madison scoffed. She looked out the window and leaned her head against the cool glass. "You're not my mother."

Quinn stopped at a redlight roughly and jerked to face her niece beside her. She stared at her for a moment, glaring at the anxious teen, before her brow arched aggressively.

"I am the only thing you have for a mother right now, Mads." Quinn narrowed her eyes when Madison turned her head hesitantly to look at her. "And forgive me for caring enough about you to be in this position. Your Mom is not here. I am. So stop fighting me. You are a child. A child."

"I am not!"

"You are. Mads, please. You're thirteen."

"I'm almost–"

"You're thirteen." Quinn didn't make a move to drive forward when the traffic light flickered to green. She stared at Madison intently. "You do not need to be at a high school party when you are not of high school age. I do not care about some boy. He is fifteen. You are too young for any consent with him."

"I just wanted to have fun with Dylan!" Madison teared up, hugging herself. She hadn't expected Quinn to be so angry with her.

"What other fun did he want to do?" Quinn cried out. "He's fifteen, almost sixteen! You are fresh out of twelve. I had to explain to you how to wear pads less than two years ago."

"I'm almost fourteen!"

"Months away."


"End of december."

"You're not being fair." Madison shook her head, lip quivering. "It's not that far away."

"He's almost two years older than you! You do not need to be with anyone over a year older than you." Quinn hissed as Madison looked away from her, wiping her face from the falling tears she couldn't hold in any longer. "What has gotten into you? You hate parties! You've never once shown any interest. Now you're partying it up and sneaking out? Drinking?"

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now