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A/N: Who's here? 

I apologize for the wait! I have multiple chapters to fix so I can give you guys the updates you so deserve. I appreciate your patience and thank you so much!



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Madison Casper could have been more coordinated, but biking alongside Balto seemed the best solution if she needed to get somewhere fast.

Sometimes, the crunching of leaves underneath the bike's tires mimicked the sound of Andrew Casper's fist hitting the hallway wall of Madison's childhood home. The way her chest pulsed as she took in every breath with each pedal of her feet reminded her of the panic attacks she'd have when her parents argued when they thought she couldn't hear. The burning feeling in her calves mimicked the pain she felt when the angry voices took over and forced her to feel the sensation of water over her body all over again.

Her mind raced as she flew around the old hiking trails that never allowed bikes to begin with. She would have been annoyed by this if her object was to hike back to camp, but Madison didn't have time to consider the rules this late at night when hikers would most likely be at home or asleep in their tents.

Her strawberry hair flew behind in a rapid whisking pattern, green eyes watching the end of her light, where Balto was not far beside, in order to avoid large rocks and tree branches. Little rays of moonlight broke through the half-empty branches above her, snow littering the ground as it fluttered around her dangerously.

This purple and pink children's bike wasn't built for trails, but it seemed tough against the multiple bumps in the ground and the slippy forest floor. The front wheel bounced roughly as Madison demanded the pedals to continue fueling its movement toward the river. She had fallen a few times, not without being able to catch herself or grab something, but it would give her the ability to keep going before her father could notice she was missing.

If he ever did notice she was missing.

When Madison's frozen cheeks felt the stream of her tears again, she was grateful to hear the sound of fast-moving water in the distance. Crossing the river wouldn't be too bad with Balto there to assist her, as long as the chilling cold of nightfall didn't get in the way.


Toward the outside of Lima, Santana Lopez could faintly see yellowing headlights following after her car through the snow. It began to force a more violent spur of snowflakes against her windshield. Adding to her concern for Madison's attire out in the cold.

Santana had a feeling she knew where Madison was heading. It was only a feeling, but it made sense. Everything with this redhead Disney-loving sophomore revolved around the stars and the freedom she felt when she wasn't standing on Earth. Madison Casper was her mother's daughter, biological or not, so when Cassandra mentioned to the police that Paige Casper's death had been hard on Madison, Santana knew precisely where she needed to drive with the Fabray sister on her tail.

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now