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A/N: Who's here?


The door opened before Quinn's fist could collide with the wood for the fourth time. She released a relieved breath and pushed past Rachel into the house.

"Quinn!" Rachel called after her. "I wouldn't–"

The door slammed open when she tried to close it, sending her flying back into the wall. Rachel gasped, watching Santana bolt inside the house with Brittany hot on her tail.

"Mads?" Quinn slowed down her walking when she reached her nieces' bedroom. She frowned when she didn't see anyone inside. "Madison?"

A loud thud came ringing from down the hallway, then another. The blonde froze when she heard an alarmed bark from Balto.

"Mads?" Quinn jogged down the hall the best she could in her pregnant state and skidded to a stop inside the doorway of the office. "Madison..."

The redhead looked up from the broken glass on the floor with a low growl, eyes rimmed red from the tears stained across her cheeks. Her elbow was bleeding, no doubt cut from the picture frames demolished from her stepbrother's metal bat.

"Mads, honey." Quinn took a step forward as Santana and Brittany stood in the doorway, shocked by the state of the room. "You're bleeding."

"Oh." Madison turned to face Quinn. "Am I? Am I bleeding?"

"She's lost it." Rachel whispered, shrinking back when Santana whirled around with a snarl.

Madison's pained eyes brightened with a deathly horror to Quinn. The blonde gulped when the girl slammed the bat into the ground and shrugged, looking around her father's crushed office. At the sight of the broken family pictures, her father's prized degrees, and multiple other decorative heirlooms, her heavy breathing slowly broke out into a laugh.

"I'm bleeding." She covered her mouth for a moment before turning and continuing to laugh uncontrollably. "I'm bleeding."

"Maddie." Santana took a few careful steps over the pictures of the Casper family and held a hand out to the redhead. "Come here. Let's see how deep that is. It's all over you."

Madison's laughter only grew more hysterical as she looked between Santana and a very confused Quinn. She shook her head, picking up the bat and pointing it at Santana.

"You fucker." She spat, her amusement replaced with anger. "You knew. You looked me in the eyes and knew. I can't believe I ever trusted you."

"What?" Santana quickly shook her head. "Madison, that's not true. I just... I didn't know. I swear I didn't–"

"Of course you did!" Madison hissed. Her eyes burned with agony, her voice wavering into broken cracks. "Why... Why do you keep hurting me?"

Santana's insides twisted into thousands of knots. "I didn't know."

"Stop lying!" Madison spun around and slammed the baseball bat into the liquor cabinet. Her body violently quivered, picking up the bat and slamming it down into the many bottles of expensive drink options. "Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!"

"Madison!" Quinn's face drowned with sorrow as she tried to approach the girl. Her arm was yanked back when Madison swung in her direction, eyes lit with fire. "Stop, okay? Stop! Let's talk about this."

"You knew she gave up on me." Madison sobbed. "You let me pretend like... This was all a game to you! You left me here. You left me here to watch my mom die! You let her give me up!"

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