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A/N:  Who's here?

🚨We have some trigger warnings for bullying and drowning.🚨



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It had become apparent that the glee club's motivation had declined since the announcement of their competition for upcoming sectionals – a school for convicts and a school for the Deaf – and everyone seemed to be slacking off in practice. So, Mr. Schuester decided to help motivate the kids in the most extraordinary way he knew by adding a competition aspect within the group.

"Competition." Mr. Schuester said, pinning up a few different pictures to make his point on different competitive relationships in nature. "Every one of these people or elements was a champion in their own right. But they used competing with each other to make themselves even better."

"I don't understand how lightning competes with an above-ground swimming pool," Kurt commented.

Madison tilted her head, staring at the pictures with a frown.

"My brain hurts." She declared, crossing her arms over her chest. "Technically, I guess you're not wrong since water is an outstanding conduct-"

"Madison...Just go with it." Mr. Schuester pleaded, interrupting the girl before she could again go into a rant during glee practice. "You guys have become complacent. You were great at the Invitationals, but you got to up your game if you want to get through Sectionals. Okay, split up. Guys on the left side, girls on the right side. Let's go, come on."

Madison smiled at Kurt as he approached the girl's side of the room. Her brows mushed quickly when Mr. Schue cleared his throat and cut their dreams short.

"Kurt." He warned, nodding towards the boy's side as the teen slowly turned around and dragged his feet. "Here's the deal. Two teams. Boys versus girls. One week from today, you will each perform a mash-up of your choice."

"What's a mash-up?" Puck asked, frowning.

"A mash-up is when you take two songs and mash them together to make an even richer explosion of musical expression." Mr. Schuester explained, clapping his hands in excitement. "Boys will perform on Tuesday, girls the next day. I want you guys to go all out, okay? Costumes, choreography. Whoever wins the competition gets to choose the number that we do for Sectionals."

"Wait, who's going to be the judge?" Rachel asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Your gender makes you biased."

"Ah...There is going to be a celebrity judge." Mr. Schuester brightly smiled as he responded.

"Wh-who?" Tina asked, looking around in excitement.

"Oh, you're going to have to show up to find out." Mr. Schue said as the bell rang loudly around the choir room. "Have fun with this guys!"

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now