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A/N: Oh, Santana...



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"Express yourself..."

Her red lipstick smoothly coated her lips, adding to her perfect smirk's reflection in the mirror of the old metal locker. Santana glanced at Brittany's teased hair and chuckled, returning to apply her makeup as directed by their cheer coach.

"I look smoking hot." Santana's eyes beamed.

Brittany turned to her friend and agreed with a silent nod. "Guess who I'm dating."

"Who?" Santana hummed.

"Wes Brody." Brittany giggled. "He's super cute. He plays soccer with my sister. He's seven."

Letting out an exasperated sigh of discontent, Santana slammed her locker and joined her best friend at hers.

"Crap!" she groaned. "I need a younger, inferior man."

"Well..." Brittany glanced at the photo in her locker of Santana and Madison. She found it in the trash after Quinn tried to threaten Santana between class change.

"If I don't find one, Coach Sylvester will kick me off the Cheerios for sure." Santana complained. "Then all I've worked for would have been for nothing."

"Hello?" Brittany giggled. "Mads–she's like ten years younger than you."

Santana narrowed her eyes. "She's two and no. She's a girl and I don't want to date her. Gross."

"Gross?" Brittany frowned. "But aren't you in love wit–"

"No, no, I am not in love with her." Santana crossed her arms and turned away from Brittany, looking around the hallway. "I just need someone that's dumb enough to be younger than me without being younger than me."

"Ohhhh." Brittany nodded. "You won't date Madison because she's smarter than you. That's okay. Everyone's smarter than me and I love dating them. They do my homework. Maybe she'll do yours!"

"She is not smarter than me." Santana whined. "I am Santana fucking Lopez, okay? Alright? I am the smartest, hottest bitch up in this school."

"What about Finn?" Brittany offered. "His birthday's like three days before yours and he's super dumb. No homework doing quality at all."

"We already tried Finn, and he hates us," Santana huffed.

"Trust me, the way to get a man to follow you forever–take his virginity." Brittany slowly leaned over and looked behind Santana, eyes widening. "Or maybe you should take hers?"

"Hers?" Confused, Santana turned around to look at whoever Brittany was peeking toward. She paused when she noticed a familiar face walking down the hallway with Mercedes and Kurt. "What the faa..."

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now