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A/N: Who's here?



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The world hated Santana Lopez.

After spending all weekend with Madison Casper deep in the woods, she had almost forgotten that she was the most popular girl in school at Mckinley. Santana was straight — Boys! Boys! Boys! She was attracted to the last person she should be, and that made Santana hate the world for putting her in this position.

Santana was forced to sit directly next to Madison in chemistry and act like she didn't want to connect with the girl more than a normal Cheerio would. Her foot bounced anxiously on the stool's footrest for the first ten minutes of class until she finally caved and locked her ankle with Madison's dangling left foot.

"Now you need to remember there are three different methods you can use on the test when using stoichiometry!" Their teacher's voice boomed over his classroom as he used the worn-down piece of chalk on the chalkboard.

As Madison jotted down her notes with her left hand, she couldn't help but notice Santana's free hand resting on the edge of her paper. She tried to focus between the board and the five-subject notebooks in front of her, but her mind continued to wander away from the valuable information being handed to her. Between the occasional swipes on her arm from Santana's pinky finger and her foot caressing just under the cuffs of her jeans, Madison struggled much more than usual.

Her head turned slightly too much, and she caught Santana sneaking a look at her as her cheer shoe added a bit more pressure than normal. They had frequently ended up in this position over the last few weeks or something like it. Santana always added to her stimulation overload or made her head spin with rhythmic touches.

"What is our first concept? We use this when we are converting from grams to moles or moles to grams."

Santana's eyes stayed on hers as her fingers brushed her arm again, slowly moving up the middle of her forearm to her wrist. It brushed her pinkie with a teasing smirk developing against Madison's wide-eyed look.

"Miss Lopez?"

Santana yanked anything visibly cooperative involving Madison away and turned toward the chalkboard. She looked down at her notebook and groaned quietly when she realized she had been so lost in Little Miss Shooting Star beside her that she hadn't been following the study guide entirely.

Madison picked up her water bottle and took a sip, using it to cover her mouth as she whispered, "Molar mass."

"Molar mass?" Santana asked loudly, arching her brow when the man smiled.

"That is correct. Very nice." He smirked and looked between the two partners when Santana glanced at Madison, who was fixing her messy bun. "Miss Casper, can you tell me when we would use the second method?"

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now