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A/N: Yes, I split Madonna week up over a few chapters. Enjoy!



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Lips on her cheek, mumbling both English and Spanish apologies, Madison felt how distraught Santana was to see her blue stained skin after school. Even as she drifted off into the first comfortable slumber she's had since running away.

Despite it being Madonna week, the school was still in its small mindset. It was halfway through another week of blue sugar ambushes. Almost four a day at this point, and Madison was becoming mentally exhausted by the cheer team's efforts.

Santana leaned back slightly when she noticed Madison's grip finally loosen. She smiled faintly as she reached over and plucked her large frames off her face, setting them aside. Her eyes folate over Madison's sleepy state as the girl stirred.

"Shhh." Santana whispered, tracing a tiny star on Madison's stomach. She watched her nose scrunch and felt the soft little paddles of her feet occasionally. "Sleep, Maddie."

"Santana?" Madison didn't open her eyes, weakly grasping the cheerleader's shirt. "You...When can...When can we be friends again?"

"We are friends." Santana insisted.

Madison rolled over slightly and snuggled into her pillow, fingers tangled in Santana's shirt. "Out there. Near people."

The Latina gently watched Madison close her eyes and struggle with the idea of sleep. She reached out and traced a little star on her cheek, then a fingernail through her hair painstakingly slow.

"When I become captain, things will be different." Santana whispered. "I'll get you on a no slushie protection and go after the real problems. Maybe even let you on the team."

Madison snuggled into her chest, smiling at the warmth that welcomed her. She closed her eyes and thought about Santana's words. If being captain meant this much to her, maybe things would change. Maybe she wouldn't feel like an embarrassment to Santana or some secret greeting card from an affair she had years ago, attempting to hide it away before the world ever found out.

"I enjoy being your friend." Madison sighed tenderly when Santana's lips painted her cheek.

Santana kissed her again–on the cheek–and allowed her lips to linger foolishly as her fingers traced stars on Madison's back. She was so foolish, believing these words pouring out of her own mouth. Not even she understood the workings of the Cheerios, but it never guaranteed anyone a slushee free life.

Not even herself if any of this got out.


The coffee shop was quiet when Frannie arrived. She folded her coat over her arm and traveled across the open floor, eyes shifting to each open seat where someone sat across the table.

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now