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A/N: Long time no see! Who's here?



Taking a loud bite of his apple, Kurt Hummel slowly tilted his head to the left and watched his best friend sit across from him. It was lunchtime and, despite his best efforts, Kurt couldn't pretend to not see the stain of lipstick on Madison's cheek.

The attempt to rid the evidence was there. Someone–Kurt had a superb idea who–attempted to scrub the evidence away, but this specific kiss mark had been there well too long, resulting in a stain. For someone with such fair skin, pale as snow with no hope of recollection in the warmth, this cherry red fade was only hidden when Madison's hair was completely down. And, lucky him, Mercedes had gained permission to braid Madison's hair last hour to help with the anxious teenager's fidgeting during practice.

"So." Kurt carefully balanced his apple core on his tray, resting his chin on his rings. "Anyone have any interesting things to confess?"

His eyes darted around the table, from glee member to glee member. Those that sat with him exchanged looks, a few taking glances in the more popular club members' directions, where they sat at their own tables with their spring cliques and friends.

"I found out I have a cavity over winter break." Artie offered.

Tina scrunched her face and glanced down at his slice of cake. "Did you get it filled?"

"Yeah." Artie slowly brought a spork full of frosting to his tongue, tickling the swirl as the corner of his lips curled into an amused smirk.

Kurt rolled his eyes at the unavoidable flirting between the two. He didn't have an issue with handicap-Asian couples. No. He had an issue with Artie being a pervert to his girlfriend and making them all watch with food newly settling in their stomach.

Ugh. Straight people.

"Mads!" Kurt sent his friend a look, then focused on his sandwich. "Anything interesting going on with you?"

Madison paused her chopstick and lowered the skillfully grasped Cheetos from her mouth. She frowned, glancing around when the entire table's eyes turned to search for an answer.


"What about that boy?" Mercedes asked, tossing another tater tot into her mouth. "Did things work out, or are we still avoiding him?"

"Avoiding him." Madison shrank in her seat, looking down at her tray. She licked her lips and reached out, beginning to adjust everything into its designated place. "We're not a match."

"How do you know?" Artie asked, leaning over slightly to see around Mercedes. "Is that an OCD thing?"

"It's a girl thing." Mercedes snorted. "Like how I know you and that girl trapped in your locker are not a match."

"Yo." Artie gasped. "That's an anime poster."

Mercedes shrugged. "Still not a match."

"I told him that." Tina mumbled. "It's a cringe show."

"I am not taking her out just because you don't like Domestic Girlfriend."

Kurt slowly blinked as returned his focus to Madison. "How's Santana doing?"

This Cheerleader's Trouble (And she's all mine) | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now