Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

    There were also scattered zombies wandering around on the spiral staircase, and when Zhang Yi encountered one, before Zhang Yi could shout out to be careful, Ji Zhiling stretched out his hand to intercept it, and when the zombie's body bent, the knife in his hand also stabbed into its brainstem.

    The zombies fell silent for a moment.

    Ji Shiling took advantage of the situation and put it aside. The blood on the knife was also quickly wiped off the zombie's clothes and wiped clean. There was no sound.

    This set of crisp and smooth zombie killing techniques made Zhang Yi silently swallow back what he was going to say.

    Ji Zhenling led the team to continue upward without turning his head, and his low voice came to the rear, responding to Zhang Yi's roar just now.

    "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."

    Zhang Yi and his two students were overwhelmed, and said without thinking: "Yes!"

    Li Lizhou: "..."

    Shi Yu: "..."

    Jiang Qishan : "..."

    ——The eggs don't know why they are not in the same basket all of a sudden! !

    They looked subtle, but said nothing, maintaining the "tacit understanding" between the two teams.

    ——Mysterious, unexpected, unfathomable, but face-saving.

    The spiral stairs of the music building are evenly distributed in the circular building, divided into four parts: A, B, C and D. After Ni Xinyue and Ji Shiling ran separately at the gate, one went to A and the other to D.

    After making sure that Ni Xinyue and his party could see them, Ji Shiling pointed his finger at C, and Ni Xinyue in the distance replied with an ok gesture.

    Although the two groups of people are separated, their destination is the classroom on the 5th floor near the entrance of Building C. The building is circular. As long as they run along the corridor, they can always meet each other, and they are not in a hurry to meet now.

    Ni Xinyue and others rushed up to the second floor safely.

    The third floor was only halfway through, and through the hollow spiral railing, I saw a large number of zombies upstairs—because of the mighty movement downstairs, they rushed down.

    Ni Xinyue shouted: "Go back to the second floor."

    The whole team turned around urgently.

    Ni Xinyue, who was originally in the lead, suddenly became the last one, while Yuan Meng, who was slower, became the pioneer instead.

    The moment Yuan Meng turned into the second floor, he almost met face-to-face with the zombies chasing from behind.

    She pushed the zombies back with a mop, and the nearby zombies fell down the steps like dominoes, but soon there were other zombies stepping on the front ones and chasing after them.

    Fortunately, the gap of a few seconds was enough for the team members behind to turn into the corridor on the second floor.

    But things didn't get better.

    It took only a second for the sight to open, and seven or eight zombies in the passage ahead turned their heads in unison to look at them.

    Yuan Meng staggered to a halt, her voice splitting in fright: "Plan B!!"

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