I Caught You Looking AU: Chapter Five

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"Time flies when you're having fun."

~Albert Einstein


I stared at my phone, waiting for a reply from Rudy. I'd texted him ten minutes back asking if he'd actually be joining us today, because he was about two hours late. We were all supposed to be here together at around one o'clock to hang out in the park, but Rudy had 'important career decisions' to make, so he said that he'd be late. Now, at three in the afternoon, he texted me back saying that he'd have to bail this time. I squinted at the phone angrily and then at Aru.

"What did I do this time?!" She asked, inching away from me.

"You didn't do anything," I replied, sighing, "Rudy's bailing on us today."

Aiden threw his hands in the air and triumphed in joy. "HAHA YES! THE GODS HAVE ANSWERED MY PRAYERS! No offense, Mini."

I chuckled. "It's okay. We'll just have a fun time without him, and then rub it in his face later about how he completely missed out on our day!"

"Sounds like a plan!" Brynne said, grinning.

For the next hour, we spent the time throwing a four-square ball around, and a few frisbees while throwing in a few rounds of truth or dare in between. I'm not that good when it comes to sports or spherical objects in general, because they seem to have a magnetic force that drives them towards my head, all the time. Although, Aru, Brynne, and Aiden made it a little more fun, so the games were okay.

"Do you guys wanna walk around for a little bit, and then sit and eat some snacks after?" Aru asked, bouncing the ball up and down repeatedly.

"As long as we wait thirty minutes after eating to get up again, I'm okay with that." I responded.

"Yeah," Brynne said, "After we eat our snacks I'm not getting up from the ground after that, thank you very much. In fact, I may take a small nap here."

"Not yet!" Aru said, pulling Brynne up and off of the ground, "Start walking Brynne!"

"Whyyy?" Brynne groaned.

"You'll get food after, consider it a prize for walking with us!" Aru replied.

"Fineee." Brynne groaned again, giving up.

Aru looked at Aiden mischievously as we walked along the trail. "Hey Aiden, do you have any photos of Brynne when you guys first met?"

Aiden's eyes lit up and he grinned widely as if Aru had switched a flip. "I totally forgot about those.."

Brynne shook her head vigorously. "Don't you even dare. I'll murder you if you expose me with those pictures."

Aiden's eyes twinkled at Aru. "Wanna see? It's worth risking my life to show some embarrassing pictures of Brynne to other people."

"YEAH!!" Aru said, pumping her fists in the air.

"NO!!" Brynne contradicted in return. "HECK NO."

Aiden suddenly grabbed Aru's hand and ran off with her to go hide and show her the pictures in silence and without distractions or any interference from Brynne. Brynned immediately dashed after the two, and I was obviously forced to run behind them as well.

"Gosh," I said, visibly out of breath. "When will you guys run out of energy?!"


I was currently running for my life with Aiden Acharya away from Brynne Rao, because I wanted, no. Needed, to see those first pictures of her when Aiden and her first met. Behind us, I could hear Brynne scream for us to, 'get our butts back there,' but there was no way that I would leave this opportunity, not even for my life. Aiden pulled us into a little concealed area in a playset for children and sat us down.

I Caught You Looking ~ An Aru Shah AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now