I Caught You Looking AU: Chapter Thirty Three

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"I do love nothing in the world so well as you."

~William Shakespeare


You know, if you have two best friends who like each other a lot, and have even put themselves through misery because of how much they like each other, you'd think they'd be able to break something that's glass, (out of rage and confusion,) and then just get together. Especially when they act all 'coupley' and 'smoochy-smoochy-kiss-kiss.' The hardest thing about knowing those people is how you have to watch them go through that awkward phase because they're both shy cowards when it comes to admitting things like feelings. I know, I can't be talking, but if it's that obvious then what are you even waiting for at that point?

"I'm actually going to murder you, Rudy," Aiden exclaimed while driving, "If you're going to sit in the front seat, act at least a little bit responsible. Don't cause any trouble."

"Ugh," Rudy groaned, sitting next to him, "You're such an Ammamma."

Aiden shook his head. "Did Brynne really rub off on you that much? You were on her back for like three seconds and you're already calling me an Ammamma."

I smirked. "Would you rather us call you Ace-Cakes?"

Mini squealed in the middle seat. "Ooooouuuuhhh, Ace-Cakes!!"

Aru giggled. "You're so stiff bro, loosen up!"

I looked into the rearview mirror to meet Aiden's eyes with a grin, only for him to roll his eyes at me.


"Shah's right, Ace-Cakes, loosen up!! Have some fuuunn," I teased.

"I'll start having fun when y'all are outta this car and in your homes," He replied, smiling, "I have had a long day with you guys."

"Nuh-uh," Aru whined, "I don't want to go home yet!"

"Aru, by the time we get back from doing whatever you want to do, it'll be way too late and way too dark. Your mom is going to kill me if I drop you home late without any explanation."

Rudy raised an eyebrow. "Woah, pause! What do you mean by that?"

Mini immediately smacked Rudy's shoulder from behind him. "RUDY, NO!"

Aru chuckled, "Also, if we do end up doing something, it'll only be about seven-thirty when we get back. When do you go to sleep?"

"About eight-thirty-ish," I said, replying instead of Aiden, "The dude's an Ammamma. I told you."

"Hey!" Aiden huffed, "That is a perfectly healthy and respectable time to sleep! I need energy in the morning!"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, can-it, just drop us all off at my house and then you and Aru can do whatever you want for a little bit!"

"Yeah, you've gone to sleep later than that before," Aru chirped, huffing, "Also, why just us two? Why can't y'all come along?"

I proceeded to nudge her hard in her arm.

"OW! Why'd you do that? Oh. Ohhh. OHHH! Damn, okay, I guess," She replied, blushing hard.

Aiden's face heated up. He gave me a death stare and we exchanged sentences through hard looks.

His eyebrows raised as his mouth became a thin line.


My eyebrows also raised while I gave him the 'mom' look.

I Caught You Looking ~ An Aru Shah AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now