I Caught You Looking AU: Chapter Fifteen

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"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one."

~George R.R. Martin


"No. Don't you even dare."

"I'm sorry for liking you."

"I love you."

The words Aiden had said repeated in my head over and over again. He'd just left for the restroom a few minutes before, but I'd been awake since I accidentally muttered chicken wings when I was asleep. I blushed, remembering repeatedly what he'd said to me a few minutes back.

There's no way that he actually meant that though, he's way out of my league. Why would he like someone like me, and that too in a short amount of time? It's not like we're soulmates or anything that have been reincarnated together.

I shook my head and stood up, pacing around the room.

"There's two ways we can deal with this," I whispered to myself in my self-to-self pep-talk mode, "Be stupid and confront him, or be a smart person and not do anything about it and act as if we were asleep the entire time."

I nodded at myself in the mirror in his bedroom and decided to go with the second choice. It'd be better for the both of us for now, and it's not like I actually know he likes me back.

Back?! Like you back? Girl, you don't like him.

I do.

No you DON'T.

What if I do?

Then you're going to die.


I sighed to myself, slapped my cheek, then smoothed my hair gently to tell myself to calm down. I assumed that everyone else had also left by now, because I saw Mini's car drive away from Aiden's house, then Aiden's mom got in the car and backed up from the driveway as well a few minutes later. I sat on the ledge on Aiden's window. It was one of the things I really liked about his room. He had this little area on his giant window where he could sit parallel to it and lay down or read a book and be comfortable. If I were being honest, I wanted it too. Aiden suddenly came out of his bathroom and into the room with a fresh pair of clothes on and his hair dripping wet. I glanced at him, then felt my face heat up.

"What?" He asked while rubbing his curly hair dry with his towel, "Did I do something??"


"No," I lied, "I just haven't ever seen you with your hair wet."

"Oh. Okay, I'm pretty sure my mom would've left for her meetup with one of her friends by now and the other's would've left as well. You wanna go somewhere today??" He suddenly smirked at me. "Maybe take me for that milkshake that you promised?"

I smiled. "Yeah sure, I just gotta go home for a lil' bit and see if my mom's alive in the house. I'll be back at one, so be ready."

He agreed and followed me to the front door, then I walked across the street and towards my house. I flopped onto my beat and looked at the clock. It was around ten in the morning, so I had a few hours to chill, so I did.


There was one tiny problem.

I kept on thinking of him.

I Caught You Looking ~ An Aru Shah AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now