I Caught You Looking AU: Chapter Thirty-One

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"A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg even though he knows you are slightly cracked."

~Bernard Meltzer


My alarm blared in my ear as it tried to wake me up. My mom had already left, knowing I'd stay home for the day, to take a little relaxing break. I slammed a hand over my nightstand, searching around it for my phone to switch off the annoying thing, and picked it up, light blinding my eyes. My eyes and ears now compromised were hurting, and this phone wouldn't turn off.

"TURN OFF GODDAMMIT!" I yelled, smacking the phone.

It finally switched off, and I layed back in bed, trying to go back to sleep for another few hours, but my phone started pinging second after second.

I stared at the analog clock against my wall. "It's freaking nine in the morning. Who is texting me while working or in class?"


Brynne😱😱😱: Let me in.

What does she mean by let me in? Isn't she in school?

Brynne😱😱😱: Ik you can see these messages.

Brynne😱😱😱:If you finna skip school I finna skip with you there's no way you're gonna have fun w out me

She ain't in school.

Brynne😱😱😱: I'm using the spare key from the fake rock you can't stop me nowwww


I heard the door unlock downstairs, and then footsteps running up to my room.

"Guess who I haaavee," Brynne sang loudly while drawing my curtains.

Rudy squealed. "Meeee!!!"

I groaned and faced the annoyance in front of me. I was supposed to surprise Aru with a date today, alone. Not with these goons!

Mini suddenly popped up out of nowhere. "Me too!"


"BRO," I started, sitting up to explain why I was skipping school today, "I'm tryna spend more time with Aru because I haven't seen her as much as I've wanted to lately. I was going to surprise her with flowers and a movie and a fun day in general, why are y'all here?"

Mini, Rudy, and Brynne all faced each other as they smirked.

Oh shit, she's behind them isn't she?

They parted like a river and PRESTO! There she was.

She smiled awkwardly, cheeks pink. "You still haven't told me your social security number."

My face burned immediately.

I smacked Brynne with a pillow and then pushed everyone out of my room. "Everyone, please wait downstairs!"

"Cool beans," Rudy said, clicking his tongue and throwing finger-guns at me.

Not cool beans Rudy.

Not cool beans.

I quickly freshened up and put on a black hoodie hoodie that had the word 'sunflower' on it in a graffiti style in green, and some gray sweatpants. My feet thudded against the carpeted steps as I rushed downstairs to see everyone sitting on the couch talking with each other and laughing while watching videos on their phone.

I Caught You Looking ~ An Aru Shah AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now