"Happiness is the highest form of health."
~Dalai Lama
I was so worried about Shah today. The moment I had gone into the locker room to see Leo making the worst decision ever and cheating on Aru, I knew she would've done something rushed. And it's not like I could blame her for wanting to do that, Gods, if I was in the same situation then I'd be livid. I knew the pain that my mom felt when she found out the same thing happened with her and my dad. I hated my dad for making my mom feel that kind of pain, and I hated Leo even more than I already did because he made Aru feel the same way. I tried holding her back, but validly, she went up to him and confronted him. I remember the moment that I had seen him assaulting her, the way her eyes widened then shut in fear, and my blood started to boil again.
I swear, I'll make sure no one ever touches her like that again.
My hands balled up into fists as I tried keeping my anger down, but Gods, it made me absolutely furious. I closed my eyes and counted to ten in my head to help me calm down. This day was a hectic day, and it wasn't good either.
One, Two, Three...
It pained me to see Aru hurt like that.
Four, Five, Six...
She wouldn't even speak that much.
Seven, Eight, Nine...
I wish she would just text me and say that she was okay.
Almost immediately, as if fate, I heard my phone buzz across the room and the screen lit up a bright beam of light.
"Aru!" I yelped, smacking the light switch on my wall then running across the room to my phone.
I picked it up immediately and spoke.
"Aru?" I said, panicked, "Are you okay?"
I tried catching my breath as I waited for her response.
She sighed sweetly as always, "Yeah I'm fine, I just can't sleep."
I trudged to my window to open it and watch her while calling. She stared right back, hair undone and falling over her shoulders, with a blanket wrapped around her body.
"Oh," I said, trying to mask up the fact that I had hesitated while staring at her in awe, "Well whaddya wanna do?"
She just stared back, with drowsy eyes, and a small playing across her features. I waited for an answer but didn't get one. Even though I didn't hear her voice I relished the brief moments of silence we shared with each other as well. They were always calm but fiery at the same time.
"Hey Aiden?" She said, finally speaking up.
I responded immediately. "Yeah, Shah?"
"Can you come over and stay for the night?"
I immediately ended the call, closed my blinds, shut the lights off in my room, and then rushed downstairs to grab a duffel bag. I stuffed a pair of clothes, my toothbrush and toothpaste, then a charger, and a few card games to play with her. I grabbed my green hoodie and my house keys, and then ran out of the door, first pausing for a quick second to lock the door, then running across the street to her house. I saw her leaning out of her open window, staring at mine sadly, and then I realized that I hadn't told her a yes or a no to her question.

I Caught You Looking ~ An Aru Shah AU Fanfiction
Teen FictionAru Shah fan-fiction galore. We got a LOT of Aru x Aiden made up moments cos who doesn't love these two. I expect literally no one to read this or see this in general, but if you do, please do tell me what you think! We STAN Wifey ✊🏽😤 THE POTATO...