I Caught You Looking AU: Chapter Twenty-Three

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"The friend zone is kind of like a jail sentence. You have to serve your time. You'll either get out or become a lifer."

~Random Website (lmao XD)


"Hey baby," Arielle said, taking my hand and swinging it back and forth in the hallway, "What are you planning to do tonight?"

"I'm planning to jump off a roof," I mumbled to myself, sighing.

"WHAT?!" She shrieked.

"Nonono!" I said, shaking my hands frantically, "I was just joking."

"Good. I need to go to the dance with a date," She said, wiping the invisible sweat off her forehead.

Do you even care that I'm miserable?

She attempted to bite her lip seductively and glance me up and down in order to seduce me or 'turn me on,' in Rudy's words. News flash, it didn't work. I only cringed. It was currently a Thursday afternoon, and I had one more class period to go before I could leave this hell-hole. Tomorrow was the dance and hopefully I die before it so that I'm not tortured with this really bad experience. To be honest, I regret asking Arielle out in an act of 'revenge' towards Aru, it was the worst decision ever. Although I enjoy the emotion of jealousy on her face, I have to admit that she doesn't deserve it. But even though I've come to that realization, I can't just dump Arielle. The night I asked her out, she quite literally texted everyone and now people are pressuring me into just doing so much more with her. It's safe to say that I really do hate it. I've decided that I'm just going to follow through with the dance date and then not talk to her ever again.

"Hey dude!" Brynne said, walking up to me, "Ready for tomorrow?"

I shook my head. "Not one bi–"

Arielle scoffed and tried shooing Brynne away. "Uhm, excuse me, move away. I'm the only one that's allowed to talk to him."

Oh shoot, Brynne's gonna be mad now.

"Hey, Arielle," She said, deathly calm with the most terrifying look on her face, "I suggest you back your tiny, little, bratty, entitled, horny butt ten feet away from Aiden before I drop kick your plastic and fake face across the hallway," She paused, before pushing her face further towards Arielle's and then screaming at her, "YOU BIG BI–"

I clasped a hand over her mouth and held her back from trying to beat the crap out of Arielle. Let's be honest, she deserves it, but I can't be seen letting my best friend get away with attempted murder. Oh heck, if we're being real, I can't let Brynne get away with just murder, no attempt, she'd just go straight for it. And even if I let her do so without holding her back, that means that I'd probably be with her aiding in the process. But at this point I'm content with all A-grades, a proud mother, with a clear and squeaky clean record. I just have a hunch that maybe murder would mess that all up, so maybe it's not a good idea.

"Brynne," I said, soothingly, still holding her back, "Let's think this over."

Arielle shrieked, obviously intimidated by Brynne and let go of my arm immediately to run away. Brynne stood upright and straightened her sports jacket out, clearing her throat all of a sudden, then just walking alongside me like nothing had happened.

"Thank you so much," I groaned, "I couldn't get rid of her for the entire day, it's been so annoying on god."

She scoffed. "I know, which is why I'm here to tell you that you need to lay off of this. Come to the dance but like don't go with her. I still don't know why you're going through with this in the first place. It's stupid."

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